“An infinite horizon is like a strong current in the sea; it drags you to unknown places before you even notice it!”

Mehmet Murat ildan

"Personal Reflections"

Before The Survey

I would have had little to say about myself and especially in areas that depict my self awareness. I had ill defined definitions of the things I found interest in and especially as I move into the future. However I believed I am good forging new and maintaining long term relationships.

During The Survey

Going through each question required introspection into areas of my life I considered obvious without much thought about them potentially telling more about me. 

After The Survey

Going through the Results at first was a big shocker but on a doing an in-depth analysis of the findings I could only concur and especially relate as I read the profile overview on the areas I had low scores. 

It made me want to Better myself as I advance in the lines of personal and professional development as a future Healthcare practitioner with an interest on an array of things in Heakth care. 

5. Personal Development Plan Kelvin Thiga Muriuki.pptx

Personal Development Plan: An overview of my IES results and resolutions as I Focus on improving my Self awareness. 

3. My Profile IES-CFHI.pdf

My Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) Report.
