Find Sessions' Assignments and Reflections.

My Testimonial.

Prior to the virtual elective I was interested to learn more about Global health however in each space I got into I would hardly get a comprehensive overview of the field as most sessions would focus on a particular aspect such as "The Role of Medical Students in Global Health".

It would leave questions of ; What is Global Health? What Qualifies to be termed as Global Health and what is Not? How do I integrate Global Health in my practice?

Participating in the CFHI Global Health Virtual Elective has not only given me an overview of global health but in a more practical approach and in a  culturally diverse environment through sessions, roundtables, discussions and assignments has enabled me to learn the history and other fundamental Principles in global Health which I can apply when Chartering my path in future.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin
