Ethics 1.

By Dr. Marie White

Being the first session it laid the Foundations of ethics in Global health by First identifying the ethical concern in Medical Practice like during Decision making when the line has to be drawn between Paternalism and Respecting a Patients autonomy.

As a medical student and future healthcare provider from the Global south, discussions on decolonizing global health shed insights on how I can be part of the solution by ensuring a voice of the global south is put in global health through shared Research and advocacy. 

To wrap up the session was The quote "To understand the Ethics follow the money" by Dr. Marie.

1. Pre-session assignment: Ethics

Pre-Session Assignment

2. In-class Discussion Ethics

In-Class Disscussion

3. Post-session assignment: Ethics

Post-Session Assignment

Intersectoral Global Health 1.

By Dr. Jessica Evert, CFHI Medical Director.

From the sessions I better appreciated the definition of global Health as an area involving Multiple disciplines  and calling for interdisciplinary collaboration looking at health issues transversing the borders of an individual country.

Similarly in my plight to provide better and holistic care to my patients I would have to understand and adopt interprofessional collaboration with other cadres which would transverses just working together and explore; collaborative leadership, team functioning, Conflict resolution, role Clarification, Interprofessional communication and providing care that is centered on the patient, Client, community and family.

something new learnt was that Practice of Evidence based medicine was dependent on fulfilment of a triad of; research and data driven practice, consideration of Patient's Preferences and applications based on Professional Training and Experiences.

Community Engagement 1.

Charles Nwobu, Medical & Program Director-CFHI Ghana Global Partners.

During the session I had Transactional sex redefined from what I knew, PrEP introduced to me as HIV Prevention strategy and the Importance of Data driven or evidence Policies Emphasized (Youtube links attached below)

When asked what Transactional Sex is I would have given an example of a girl who engages in sex for sanitary towels or sex for food. however as explained through the session it goes beyond the provision of basic needs to social pressures like peer pressure and underlying economic and gender inequalities. Therefore as complex as the cause might be, when trying to resolve cases of transactional sex understanding the context becomes important and shifting my mind from the practice and focusing on the HIV risk it accompanies and especially among young girls and women in Sub-saharan Africa who are the most vulnerable. 

Although not as widely known/accepted by the general population PrEP is an effective way of preventing HIV and its use becomes even more important among the Vulnerable populations who through the liking Populations drive the pandemic into the general populations. Therefore as a medical student having been introduced into the different PrEP regimens it places me at a better position as an advocate for its use. Similarly as it's still not a so well understood topic by the general population it is key to anchor any messaging and even policy on Data rather than on personal Judgements which might be prone to bias. 

Transactional Sex.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.

Data to Policy.
