Ethics 3.

By Dr. Marie White

In research I am particularly interested in Data analysis and Research ethics and a young researcher the sucha session regardless the number of time its taught has something new to give and especial;lyy now as I aim at going beyond research in my country and having collaborations with colleagues at an international scale. 

Of interest was an appreciation of the different international guidelines and their Focus; The US Common Rule on rights of Vulnerable populations, World Medical Association 1945 on access to Treatment by study participants post clinical trial and use of Placebo, CIOMS (The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences) and its diverse applicability and in my case Ethics around partnerships in global health research. 

I strongly believe that the session built on my knowledge in area I should consider when faced with different topics on ethics in my future as I set out to help generate more generalisable data. 

1. Pre-sessions assignment

Pre-Session Assignment

3. Post-session assignment

In-Class Discussion 

2. In-Class Discussion

Post-Session Assignment

Intersectoral Global Health 3

By Dr. Jessica Evert, CFHI Medical Director.

The class Presentation on how Amara's case could have been prevented from worsening and especially coming from a country where Malaria is endemic made me reflect on what currently the government is doing including the provision of Mosquito nets through different partners and the newly rolled out vaccination program.

Similarly looking at the future of healthcare being introduced to the 2035 Grand Convergence Targets “16-8-4”  enabled me to appreciate the global targets and commitments made in health which are ares of improvement as funding opportunities tend to be aligned to such global targets and also they become areas to hold each other accountable when tracking progress towards their realisation. 

1. Intersectoral Global Health 2nd Assignment.pptx

Intersectoral Global Health Assignment

Community Engagement 3.

Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo, KIHEFO Uganda 

Being introduced to the Health system was such an awe considering they are a neighbouring country and part of the East African Community yet so Similar and different to the Healthcare system in Kenya. Interestingly was the innovative Idea by Kigezo Healthcare Foundation (KIHEFO) in an attempt to be part of the solution.
