Globe Smart

How do I compare Personally & Professionally?

2. My Profile GlobeSmart.pdf

My Globe Smart Profile Summary. 

Me Vs. Kenya.

Reason: To see how I compare with other Participants from My home Country which is also My current Country of Residence (2023).

Me Vs. Nigeria.

Reason: As an official Within FAMSA (Federation of African medical Students) I get to interact with Many Medical Students from Nigeria within the Medical leadership Space hence the Profile enables me understand their leadership style and how it compares to mine. 

Me Vs. Denmark

Reason: Currently I am a volunteer in a Project RESPEKT (Reproductive and Sexual Health Program for Kenyan Teenagers) that is a partnership between Medical Students in Kenya and IMCC Denmark and hence the comparison helps shed light into dynamics at play as they make decisions both personal and around the Project and how manoeuvre to the cross-cultural relationship.

Me Vs. U.S.A

Reason: USA is one of the countries I would like to further My studies or Grow My career.
