The corporate culture of the KDK trainers' network is a set of professional, cultural, moral and ethical values ​​that helps unite network  participants into a single team and creates conditions for solving the 'basic question' and self-reproduction of the network.

The 'basic question' of the network suggests that professional activity of trainers serves as a guarantee for business to meet  requirements of state control and in this way to escape corruption.

The general system of the KDK trainers' network  is based first on people, their ambitions as network participants, their professional and human connections, energy and vision, which together provide understanding and realization of the network's mission.

Our values ​​are the philosophy of our common cause. Values ​​form the basis for building a network and further networking as a means of solving the 'basic question', realizing the ambitions of each participant. Values of the network suggest tolerance and inclusiveness and in such a way realizing the mission of the network.

Values ​​cause all relationships and processes, determine behavior and are a guarantee of achieving the expected changes. Values are what is the basis for any actions and decisions.

Understanding that in the modern world, which is on-going changing, success is achieved only by those who are open and moving forward. The network of food safety trainers strives for equality, long-term relations with the national and international community of specialists in the safety and quality of agricultural products and food. We do everything in our power to create an open environment for the development of high-quality training services that meet the requirements of modern business and society.

The intention of KDK trainers' network to provide the best services for getting of additional competencies by business entities is reflected in the network's values:

The network's core values ​​also include humanity, tolerance, fairness, respect for privacy, responsibility, openness, inclusiveness, equality and respect for colleagues.

Trust, respect, finding and reaching compromises, fulfilling obligations cause the respect of our clients and partners to the network. The success of our members, partners and customers is the key to the success of the network itself.

The policy of the KDK trainers network suggests transparent and open communication that meets the moral, ethical and legal standards established internationally and in Ukraine.

Network policy is implemented through network guidelines.

Competence (professionalism). Network members are highly qualified specialists having creative and professional potential. Understanding that development of potential of the network participants is the key issue, the network creates conditions for a systematic increase of professional knowledge and skills. In turn, it contributes to the raising quality of the educational and consulting services. Decisions of network participants are based on proven facts and personal responsibility for quality and a constructive approach to decision-making.

Utility.  When making decisions related to professional activities, participants of the network always discuss them in the network first, taking into account the interests and needs of the client - agrarian and food business.

Transparency (openness). We believe that the idea of ​​transparency of operation and openness of information are important for every member of our team. We build relationships of trust and partnership with partners both in the team and in working with clients. Equal partnership and transparency of information for business, customers, network members and partners helps us achieve higher results and ensures permanent growth of service quality.

Customer orientation. We strive to meet and satisfy the needs of consumers of our products and services, internal and external partners. We strive to be flexible and on-going improve our activities. We care about good service for our customers.

Permanent self-development. We understand how important it is to develop the professional potential of trainers, recognizing that a person cannot have the answers to all questions, and people have the right to seek advice, help or undergo additional training to solve professional tasks. We welcome the intention of network members for harmonious development, which consists of personal, spiritual and professional improvement. We make sure that a creative and interested attitude to work is the routine norm. Continuous expansion of the boundaries of knowledge is a way to always be one step ahead, creating new services, increasing the efficiency and quality of our work and the economic satisfaction of our customers and partners.

Teamwork. We are a strong team, we have common values, goals, we act in the interests of everyone individually and the network as a whole. We believe that result can be achieved only through coordinated work in a team, each member of which bears personal responsibility for the overall result, without emphasizing it. We are open to cooperation, help and support each other. We take a partner position in communication. We are attentive to the opinions of others. Each of us is sure that colleagues will fulfill their obligations to achieve a common goal.

Rules of business communication. The rules of business communication - it is the established order of relationships in the network. The specifics of networking suggests minimal regulation of relationships. Regulations are determined solely by support of the network style. The style of the network is based on the values ​​of the members, the rules of their behavior both inside the network and outside it, style of relations between the members of the network, their clients and partners, between trainers and mass media, Internet resources and social networks, between trainers and state officials, colleagues. Members of the network put their thoughts briefly and in essence, save their own working time and time of other people.

Loyalty to the client. When interacting with clients and partners, members of the network use all possible forms of official communication: the network's online platform, telephone conversations, correspondence, including via e-mail, client visits to the network headquarters and a trainer visits to the client's office. Participants of the trainers' community demonstrate psychological stability, focus on the implementation of the network's basic issue, show tact, control the intonation and timbre of the voice, strive for constructivism, know how to listen to others and adhere to the trainers' business ethics. A trainer cannot come to a meeting with a client unprepared, without proper informational materials. Agreements reached with the client are mandatory for execution.