The mission of the KDK trainers' network is to ensure the awareness of food business operators regarding official control over the safety of food products, professional assistance to businesses in meeting requirements of domestic and international legislation regarding the food safety.

The trainer of the KDK network works on delivering training on the preparation of food business operators to meet official control and on providing consultations on developing individual plans to get business ready for the control events.

The trainer develops author's courses taking into account the latest changes in the current legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine and the EU and achievements in training skills. Depending on the needs of the target audience, the trainer may create a line of training products.

The author's programs are the object of intellectual property rights, which are recommended to be registered and protected in accordance with the rules of the network. Usage of IP objects is regulated by the current legislation and the Code of Ethics of the KDK network.

Monitoring the legislation of Ukraine, the latest achievements in the area of food safety is carried out by the PO 'Analysis Center AUU' (PO AC AUU) and on this basis forms requirements for trainers and educational programs for preparing enterprises to meet the state control and export demands.

PO AC AUU delivers training on the food safety curricula and the methodology of preparing food business operators for state inspections and exports, consulting trainers on development of author's programs, certifying trainers regarding their skills and training programs according to settled criteria and assigning corresponding qualification level.

Organization of training (recruitment of participants, provision of training etc.) is entrusted to public and other non-profit organizations in view of division of labor and cost savings (i.e. direct payments to trainers from the non-profit organization). Regional chambers of commerce, business associations, other central and regional public organizations, universities and other educational institutions having strong relations with the agrarian and food business audience are recommended for cooperation. A trainer or a group of trainers also may establish their own public organization for conducting training activities.

It is recommended for trainers to formalize relations with the organization organising training on the basis of memorandum of cooperation and arrange a long-term contract for provision of training services.

Training on certain aspects of state control and compliance with the norms of national and international food safety legislation, individual consulting of food business operators on food safety issues are the products that trainers offer to consumers.

At the first stage, training is aimed to inform profile business with the norms of reformed legislation on state control and the array of norms of the current legislation, which is the subject of state inspections and listed in unified acts for the state control.

Consumers of training and consulting products are food business operators concerning their specific issues (GMOs, HACCP, plant protection, sanitary requirements, etc.).

Including the business entity in the annual plan for the state inspection events plays as a marketing "hook" that stimulates food business operators to ask trainers and consultants for professional help. Every food business operator is subject to state control within 5 years.

Platforms that actively work with profile business (regional trade chambers, profile business associations, higher schools and their graduates working for agricultural and food business) may play as marketing agents. It is also worth inviting officials from profile departments of regional administrations, regional offices of the State Regulatory Service and the State Production and Consumer Service to participate in training.

Implementation of effective national policy on ensuring food safety and its implementation based on programs of state support and banking credits would intensify demand for training and consultation. PO 'Analysis Center of AUU' is also responsible for the strategic development of the food safety sphere.

The prices for training on preparation of food business operators for state inspections should be in line with training on accounting and tax issues, and the prices of consulting services for profile business - with the price of legal services, including time-based payments and depend on the regional price situation.