The mission of the network of trainers "Competence Combating Corruption" (KDK) is to ensure the awareness of food business operators regarding state control over the safety of agricultural and food products and professional assistance in meeting requirements of domestic and international legislation for safety of food products.

At the moment, the EU -UA Association Agreement is in force in Ukraine and national legislation for the food safety and other related areas, state control and state control and compliance assurance system have been harmonized. This process has not yet been completed, but the state control system and relevant legislation have already been implemented. At the same time, neither business, nor even officials of the local state agencies are not familiar with the norms of the reformed legislation, the modern concept of market and state control. Authorities are used to imposing their own rules to business and being guided by their own interests. Corruption is flourishing in the country during state inspections.

The strong side of such a situation is that modern norms and rules are already in force, and this permits to protect the rights and interests of food business operators, particularly in court. The weak side is that both the government and business are unfamiliar that the situation is changed according ot EU norms and rules. So, opportunities open up for businesses to strengthen their position in relations with state officials on a legal basis, including by obtaining relevant information during training and individual consultations. Although, traditional reluctance of business to spend money on training and consultations threatens the realization of new opportunities, combating corruption and accelerating positive changes.

In Ukraine, there is a well-developed market of training and consultations for agrarian and food business, filled with quality products, regarding the fulfillment of the requirements of domestic and international legislation. Food business operators, including those with a high level of added value and innovative ones, have a well-established habit of outsourcing specialists and do not try to solve these issues on their own.

The main value of the network for its members is providing the possibility of professional growth, improvement of training skills, supply of high-quality educational and consulting products for food business operators. Other values ​​of the network are openness, democracy, respect for civil rights and freedoms of network members, first of all for intellectual property rights, responsible attitude to the duties of trainers and consultants, joint work on popularizing the network and forming its positive image in the eyes of business and society.

The values ​​of the network are reflected in the Code of Ethics of the KDK network. It develops, enriches and improves in on-going manner taking into account experience of communication among network members, business, government and society. The network, its Coordinating Board and units implement tools aimed at embodying the network's values.

In a strategic perspective, the network has all the necessary tools that ensure compliance with the network values.

The KDK network provides its participants with professional protection, trainers - with opportunities for profile training, professional development and acquisition of competencies, exchanging of information, knowledge and skills, including with respect for the rights of authors. Creative and production cooperation take place in the network, joint events are held, joint projects are implemented, including under a consortium frame, joint training and consulting products are created and put on the market.

Ultimately, the network provides favorable conditions for the development of trainers as professionals and individuals, ensures the coordinated development and continuous improvement of training and consulting products, excludes grounds for unhealthy competition and ensures a synergistic effect from the interaction among network participants. Cooperation and coordination of efforts of network members multiply the gains of the network and its members, including economic ones.

The network has an internal structure, which is formed at the initiative of the network participants, is flexible and coordinated by the Coordination Board. Different tools are used to support the functioning of the network's units, which are defined and created by their initiators and participants within the framework of the general requirements for branding and corporate culture. The network infrastructure is supported by a specialized IT tool.

The units of the network may impose restrictions, their own norms and rules that do not contradict the provisions of the domestic and international legislation and the rules  and norms of the KDK network specified in its internal documents, first of all - in the Code of Ethics.

In a strategic perspective, the network has a clear structure that corresponds to all directions, problems and issues of the domestic training and consultation market on ensuring the safety of food products in Ukraine. The structure of the network is not overloaded with unnecessary elements, but it has no deficiency for covering all aspects of the professional activity.

Any specialist providing information on the development of the training plan, has experience in conducting training or consulting business on food safety issues may become a member of the KDK network. Access to the network occurs through recognizing values ​​of the network and joining the memorandum, which is presented in a Google form.

Depending on the interests, requirements and rules of the network units, new members of the network may join any network unit according to rules imposed by such a unit.

In the future, each member of the network is a member of one or more network units and has a clear perspective regarding his professional growth and strengthening of positions in the network.

Products of network members - training and consultations - have an intangible nature and are objects of intellectual property, IP. The network develops tools and structures to ensure protection of intellectual property rights, including a register of objects of IP rights and a platform for posting information about illegal use of IP objects.

Within the framework of the network, a platform (market, showcase), where the training and consulting products of the network members are presented, is also developed. The price policy for such products is determined by the members of the network, including within the separate units of the network and groups of the network participants. The rules of fair competition at the market of training and consulting services are regulated by the Code of Ethics of the network.

As a result, there is a modern market environment in Ukraine, which is supported by IT tools, protects the consumer from falsification of both food products and training and consulting, ensures fair competition and supports a comfortable price environment for training and consulting products. Agricultural and food business understand well that the purchase of high-quality, including original, products on a well-regulated, honest market of training and consulting services is a guarantee for successful official inspections, export and other control events, economic efficiency and proper reputation in the eyes of the consumer of food products. No investment project for the development of agrarian and food business in Ukraine is implemented without proper training and consulting support.

The network provides a platform where its members can post information about the development of new training, growth in their qualifications, services provided, other aspects of their activities, interests, information from the external environment related to the activities of the network - in accordance with internal rules that protect the platform from spam. This information is distributed in social networks and through mass media.

Members of the network also involve consumers of their products, partners, platforms where they conduct training to spread information about the network and their activities as a member of the network.

Finally, the network is well known in Ukraine. When solving their problems, business, government and society turn to the network, widely use services of its members, involve them in cooperation and solving problems. Information about using services and products of the KDK network adds to the positive image of the products of agricultural and food business.