JSQPS 2023 

Summer Meeting Program


Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science (JSQPS) 2023 Summer Meeting Program

日時と場所/Date and Place



応募者を太字で記載しています /  Applicants are indicated in bold.

6月24日(土) / June 24 (Sat.)

9:50 - 10:00         開会の挨拶 / Opening remarks

10:00 - 11:00       セッション1(英語)/Session 1 (in English)

Koji Kagotani (Chuo University), "The Dilemma of Diplomatic Protests and Alliance Politics"

Cory McCartan, Jacob R. Brown and Kosuke Imai (Harvard University), "Measuring and Modeling Neighborhoods"

11:15 - 12:15       セッション2(英語)/Session 2 (in English)

Sichen Li and Megumi Naoi (University of California, San Diego), "How Political Tensions Fuel Cross-Border Investment: American Consumer Hostility and Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese and Japanese Firms"

Yuki Atsusaka (University of Houston (starting in August); Dartmouth College (at the time of application)), "Causal Inference with Ranking Data: Application to Blame Attribution in Police Violence and Ballot Order Effects in Ranked-Choice Voting"

12:15 - 14:15       昼休み・ポスターセッション(応募順)/ Lunch & Poster Session

辻村優毅(東京大学法学政治学研究科), "Lobbying in congress: resource allocation or policy preference"
井関竜也, 渥美芹香(東京大学法学政治学研究科), 伊藤武(東京大学総合文化研究科), "Do People Trust Technocrats instead of Political Parties? Synthetic Control Approach to the Effect of Technocrat Government on the Confidence in Political Institutions"
Michio Umeda(Komazawa University), "Ally with a labor union or the leftist?: How the politicians strategically positioned themselves for the nuclear power plant issue in Japan."
清水崇仁/Takahito Shimizu(早稲田大学 現代政治経済研究所/Waseda Institute of Political Economy, Waseda University), "Election timing and backing down from militarized interstate disputes"
五十嵐彰(大阪大学), 狩野芳伸(静岡大学), 三輪洋文(学習院大学), "Exploring Disparities in Subjective Discrimination Assessments: A Comparative Vignette Experiment between Humans and ChatGPT"
樊怡舟, 中尾走(広島大学・広島市立大学), "複数の交絡変数がある場合のプロキシバイアスに関する考察"
Jinhyuk Jang(Kochi University of Technology), "News Media, Clarity of Responsibility, and Patterns of Economic Voting" (canceled)
依田浩実(東京大学法学政治学研究科), "Youth Participation in Election and Parliament (1945-2020)"
Junichiro Wada(Yokohama City University) and Yuta Kamahara (Yokohama National University) "A Unified Approach to Measuring Unequal Representation: Disproportionality, Malapportionment, Wasted Votes, and Intra-Party Maldistribution"

佐野晃(筑波大学国際公共政策学位プログラム), "Analyzing and mining the presidential speeches on the Aral Sea Crisis"

14:15 - 15:15       セッション3(英語)/Session 3 (in English)

Stephen Ansolabehere (Harvard University) and Shiro Kuriwaki (Yale University), "The Seats Votes Curve for Issues: On the Aggregation of Issue Preferences"

Kenya Amano (University of Washington) and Jouchi Nakajima (Hitotsubashi University), "Estimating Waves of Temporal Heterogeneity: A Time-Varying Parameter Model Approach"

15:30 - 16:30       セッション4(英語)/Session 4 (in English)

Yu Sasaki (University of Tokyo), "Weak States and Hard Censorship"

Zheng, Li and Weiwen Yin (University of Macau), "A Robust Estimation Approach for Conditional Marginal Effect"

16:45 - 17:45       セッション5(英語)/Session 5 (in English)

Masaru Nishikawa (Tsuda University), Daisuke Sakai (Independent Researcher) and Akira Matsui (Yokohama National University), "Migdal Babel of English: Career Trajectory of Political Scientists’ Publication in the First and Second Language"

Kentaro Nakamura (University of Chicago), "Improving Text as Treatment Framework"

18:00 - 20:00       懇親会

6月25日(日) / June 25 (Sun.)

9:00 - 10:00         セッション6(日本語)/Session 6 (in Japanese)

Shugo Shinohara (Keio University), "Legacy of the Pandemic Olympics in Citizens’ Vision: Negative Effects of Tokyo 2020 on Government Evaluation"

Tomoko Matsumoto (Tokyo University of Science), Kenneth Mori McElwain (Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo) and Junko Kato (University of Tokyo), "Assymetric Effects Of Economic News: A Quasi-experimental Approach"

10:15 - 11:15       セッション7(日本語)/Session 7 (in Japanese)

Masayuki Odora (Waseda University), "The Effect of Fact checking: The Media’s Endogenous Information Acquisition and Consumer’s Media Purchase"

Yuya Endo (Tohoku University), Masahiko Asano (Takushoku University) and Yoshikuni Ono (Waseda University) , "Smiling Candidates See a Boost in Votes, But Only When They Lack Name Recognition"

11:15 - 12:15       昼休み / Lunch


12:15 - 13:15       セッション8(日本語)/Session 8 (in Japanese)

Masaaki Higashijima (University of Tokyo), Gento Kato (Nazarbayev University) and Yuki Shiraito (the University of Michigan), "The Introduction of Elections and Public Attitudes in Autocracies: Evidence from Kazakhstan"

澤田寛人 (プリンストン大学), "Domestic and International Commitment Problems"

13:30 - 14:30       セッション9(日本語)/Session 9 (in Japanese)

笠松 怜史(武蔵大学), 岸下大樹 (東京理科大学/Tokyo University of Science), "Strategic Misinformation: The Role of Heterogeneous Confirmation Bias"

福元健太郎 (学習院大学) and 田淵貴大(大阪国際がんセンターOsaka International Cancer Institute), "The Rally ’round the Flag Effect in Third Parties: A Case of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine"

14:30 - 14:40       閉会式 / Closing remarks