計量・数理政治研究会 第3回冬季研究集会「計量・数理政治学のフロンティア」
The 3rd Winter Meeting of the Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science
■ 日時/ Date 2020年1月4日(土)、5日(日) January 4 (Sat), 5(Sun), 2020
■ 場所/ Venue 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス3号館304号室
Room 304, Building #3, Waseda Campus, Waseda University
■ アクセス (3号館へのアクセスは文末の地図と案内をご覧ください)
Directions: Please scroll down to the bottom for the maps and directions.
■ 参加・懇親会登録/ RSVP
■ プログラム/ Program
* Saturday sessions are conducted in English. Sunday sessions are in Japanese.
* Female scholars are relatively well represented as a result of screening proposals. For this reason, the women’s panel we had planned was not separately organized.
1月4日(土)英語セッション/ January 4, Saturday (Sessions in English)
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Opening Remarks
1. 9:10-9:50
Yuki Shiraito (University of Michigan), Nuannuan Xiang (University of Michigan, Ph.D. Candidate)
“Modeling Gradual Changes in Panel Data: The Intergenerational Chinese Restaurant Process”
2. 9:50-10:30
Shusei Eshima (Harvard University, Ph.D. Student), Kosuke Imai (Harvard University), Tomoya Sasaki (MIT, Ph.D. Student)
“Keyword Assisted Topic Models”
コーヒー・ブレーク(306号室)/Coffee Break (Room 306)
3. 10:40-11:20
Kentaro Fukumoto (Gakushuin University)
“Why Very Old Voters Don’t Go to the Poll?” (with Yudai Masao, Kyosuke Kikuta, and Maiko Shoji)
4. 11:20-12:00
Greg Chih-Hsin Sheen (New York University)
“A Quality-Based Explanation for the Incumbency Curse” (with Selina Hofstetter (LSE Government) and Hugo Reichardt (LSE Economics))
昼休憩(306号室)/ Lunch Break (Room 306)
² Light lunch will be served.
5. 13:00-14:00
Special Guest: Dean Knox (Department of Politics, Princeton University)
“More than Words: How Political Rhetoric Shapes Voters' Affect and Evaluation” (with Christopher Lucas)
6. 14:10-14:50
Yuko Kasuya (Keio University), Kota Mori (V-Dem East Asia Regional Center, Research Fellow)
“Better Regime Cutoffs for Continuous Democracy Measures”
7. 14:50-15:30
Stefano Camatarri (Waseda University, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow), Marta Gallina (Catholic University of Louvain, Ph.D. student), Airo Hino (Waseda University)
“Measuring Party Positions from Voters’ Mind and Party Manifestos: The Case of the Japanese Upper House Election in 2019”
コーヒー・ブレーク(306号室)/Coffee Break (Room 306)
8. 15:45-16:25
Yu Sasaki (Waseda University)
“Royal Consultants: Personnel Modernization and Bureaucratic Transition in Pre-modern Europe”
9. 16:25-17:05
Takaharu Saito (The University of Tokyo, Doctoral Student)
“Presidential Control on Bureaucracy and Interagency Coordination”
10. 17:15-17:55
Woo, Yu Jin (Waseda University, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow)
“Individual Attitudes toward Migrants: How Individuals and Countries Define Citizenship”
1月5日(日)(日本語セッション)/ January 5, Sunday (Sessions in Japanese)
1. 9:10-9:45
“Navigated Weighting to Improve Inverse Probability Weighting for Missing Data Problems and Causal Inference”
2. 9:45-10:20
“Ideal Point Estimation of Political Pundits Using Opinion Magazine-Authorship Data”
コーヒー・ブレーク(306号室)/Coffee Break (Room 306)
3. 10:35-11:10
“Military Conscription, Political Regime, and Interstate Conflict”
4. 11:10-11:45
“The free Rider Problem, the Tragedy of the Commons, and Public Perception in the Contemporary Welfare State”
昼休憩(306号室)/ Lunch Break (Room 306)
² Light lunch will be served.
5. 13:00-13:35
“Historical Image Analysis with Machine Learning: An Evaluation of the WWII Tokyo Air Raid Damages”
6. 13:35-14:10
“Probabilistic Latent Semantic Scaling: An Intermediate Report”
7. 14:10-14:45
小椋郁馬(Georgetown University, Ph.D. student)
“Comparing the Subjective and Objective Measures of Political Knowledge” (with Yukio Maeda)
コーヒー・ブレーク(306号室)/Coffee Break (Room 306)
8. 15:00-15:35
“China's Mediated Public Diplomacy towards Japan: A Text-as-Data Approach”
9. 15:35-16:10
“Lacking Leadership or Just Doing their Own Dangerous Business: Effects of Force Commander’s Leadership on Casualties of Peacekeepers Sent from the Same Country”
10. 16:20-16:55
“Asymmetric Burden-Sharing and the Restraining Effect of Alliances”
■ 懇親会(1月4日)/ Reception (January 4)
時間/ Time:18:30-20:30
場所/ Venue:イル・デ・パン
会費/ Cost:\ 5,000 (drink included)
■ 特別な配慮を必要とする方へのご案内
For those who need special consideration
If you would like to request PC text interpretation, sign language interpretation, guidance inside the classroom, etc., please consult with us by December 10 (Tue).
アクセシビリティ・マップ/ Accessibility Map:
■ 主催/Sponsor
計量・数理政治研究会、The Japanese Society for Quantitative Political Science (JSQPS)
共催/ Co-sponsors:早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所「因果推論とデータ科学」部会、早稲田大学ソーシャル&ヒューマン・キャピタル研究所(WISH)、Waseda Institute of Political Economy (WINPEC) Research Group “Causal Inference and Data Science,” Waseda Institute of Social and Human Capital Studies (WISH)
■ 実行委員会/ Organizing committee
栗崎周平・Yunkyu SOHN・高橋百合子(委員長)・日野愛郎・福元健太郎・和田淳一郎
■ お問い合わせは、高橋研究室(takahashi.assistant@gmail.com)までお願いします。
If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact Yuriko Takahashi at
takahashi.assistant@gmail.com .
Getting to the School of PSE
The venue for the conference is Room 304 in Building #3 (the School of Political Science and Economics), which is located right at the center of the campus map on the next page. The nearby subway station is Waseda Station (T-04) on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line (Blue T line ). At the station, take Exit 2, 3a, or 3b. If you take Exit 2, you should go left once you get up to the ground and walk for a block, passing the first cross-walk, Subway, and then MacDonald’s. At the second intersection, where you will see a police-box, you will turn right, crossing the street, and proceed on a winding street until you see the Waseda campus.