Amplified K12, Virtual Field Trip, Journey to Mars

Journey Map

Student Watching A Video On Mars Before the Field Trip

Student Watching A Video On Mars Before the Field Trip

In order to get ready for the field trip, students will watch a video about Mars. It will explain to them how the field trip will work and introduce the concepts that will be learned on the adventure. At this time students that suffer from motion sickness will be asked to identify themselves.

Students Head to the Amplified Field Trip Room.

Students Head to the Amplified Field Trip Room.

Mars is right down the hall in your own school!

Layout of the Amplified Field Trip Room.

Layout of the Amplified Field Trip Room.

This facility is designed to accommodate up to 30 students. They will line up in the hall in front of a long window looking into the space. Then they will enter through a door shown in the lower left corner, one at a time.

Teacher Handing Student Hololens.

Teacher Handing Student Hololens

At the beginning of the field trip, the teacher will hand all of the students their Hololens as they enter the room. They will be assigned their station and position number. Those that suffer from motion sickness will be sent to a control station.

Student at Mission Control.

Student at Mission Control

Students who suffer from motion sickness have the opportunity to work in mission control, where they can still play an important part in the field trip. They will be queuing the events, directing the action and providing information to the team.

Students Line Up On Number to Begin the Trip

Students Line Up On Number to Begin the Trip

The doors to the room open, and all the kids, in groups of four, shuffle inside. They take their places on numbers on the floor, which are lit up from below, and are assigned their “jobs” for the mission. Geologist, Scientist, Engineer, and Meteorologist. The wall screen in front of them has an idle image on it of space. Once everyone is settled, the teacher presses the start button, and the scenario begins.

The Trip Begins With a Crash Landing.

The Trip Begins With a Crash Landing

The Field trip begins with a video showing the student's transport ship crash landing On Mars.... and the adventure begins.

The voice of a fictional commander flows into their headphones: Mars Team. Mars Team, can you hear me? We lost you for a moment. *static* We thought you might be *static*. But it looks like you’ve survived. What a relief.. *static* You were flying on an experimental spaceship to set up a permanent base near a newly discovered water source on Mars, but something went wrong. *static* It looks like the fuel tank is damaged, and you’re going to have to repair it as fast as possible if you want to survive.

Student Using The Hololens

Student Using The Hololens

The crash landing has damaged the fuel tank. The astronauts (students) working with Control have to determine a new source of fuel to make it back home and a way to 'fuel' the camp (water created by burning the hydrogen fuel on board). Both the Astronauts and Control have different information available to them to make the connection for finding a possible water supply on Mars. They explore the area. Look around. Find materials in the area. Collect them and present them. There would be options for what they can make fuel out of. The control person has data on many different kinds of fuels, and together they determine which one is the best one to use. They then have to convince the crew

Student Work Together To Lift Fuel Tank.

Student Work Together To Lift Fuel Tank

The field trip design specifications will require physical, team oriented activities in every trip. In addition to learning about Mars, students will need to apply team work, problem solving and critical thinking to escape Mars.

Students Get Debriefed After the Trip.

Students Get Debriefed After the Trip

After the field trip the teacher reviews the material learned with the students in their home classroom. This can include discussion and additional research based on a standard learning model (such as "The 5 Habits of Mind")