Amplified K12, Virtual Field Trip, Journey to Mars


Interview at Innocademy

At Innocademy


The common theme throughout the interviews was that immersive experiences are critical to the overall quality of the field trip. The negative moments were often the most memorable because they added spontaneity to the experience. Safety is a big concern among teachers and chaperones. Transportation and travel could be frustrating at times depending on the length of time. The smaller the group size, the more effective the field trip is.


Washington D.C.

  • History immersive. Best part was seeing each monument and learning the history behind it. Also getting to sleep on the bus ride home.
  • Worst part - walking 8 miles!
  • Packed lunches to save money and gave extra lunches to people on the street.


Mayflower Plantation

  • Best part - interviewing people from the time
  • Could only talk about things that had already been invented


Comerica Park & Mackinac Island

  • Most interesting part: riding the Detroit subway and the thrill of the possibility of falling off.
  • Worst part - almost stepped in poop at Mackinac (tactile experience)


Mackinac Island

  • Best part was seeing Fort Mackinac and the cannons.
  • Almost like you had traveled back in time


South Manitou Island Hiking Trip

  • Best part - it was his first hiking trip
  • Spiked an interest in hiking

Ms. Leisa

Dominican Republic

  • Best part - being immersed in the culture. It was a safe and cheap international experience.
  • Most stressed out about the safety of the students
  • Ideal group size is 2 students