Amplified K12, Virtual Field Trip, Journey to Mars

Ideation Feedback


  • How many teachers? Need one in each station? windows?
  • 6 (4 student) stations (24 total)
  • control room (6 people in here)
  • competition between teams
  • The problems that students have to solve do not have to be entirely related to what is happening in the story.
  • A large part of the adventure will be experienced by the students by simply watching a movie (similar to a cut scene in a game). Interactive game play will rotate with the cut scenes and be focused on problem solving and team work as well as some of the most important aspects of the subject matter.
  • Standing or sitting in one place will not be good. Perhaps sensors (kinect) can detect motion... then students can be tasked to perform physical activities to move the story forward.
  • There should be a lesson in a traditional classroom on a day prior to the field trip... to prepare the students.
  • Should there be a de-briefing quiz, discussion or writing assignment on a day after (in a traditional classroom?


  • Some ideas describing ways that students can be prompted to move their bodies to accomplish a goal, solve a problem, avoid a problem, etc.
  • Give them elements that they have to interact with.
  • Prompt them to react to the environment around them.
  • Create HUD that can be interacted with. Facing certain ways can trigger highlighted items in the environment.
  • Give them things that they have to explore to find.
  • Walk- in-place, run in place, jump, duck, dodge, etc.


  • Split student into groups and rotate them through stations. 2 of the stations could be the journey there and back.
  • iBeacon for Micro-location
  • What about heat and wind and cold air?
  • Book "Mind Over Mind" by Chris Berdi.
  • The surprising power of expectations ... How can we build expectations before the field trip and during the journey segment of the field trip.
  • What about touch?
  • Props that can be touched or held that look different when viewed through the VR glasses.
  • Prop(s) with dots used with Kinect that can triangulate it's position in real time.
  • Kinect can also pick up your body movements to manipulate avatars, vehicles and props.
  • What is the relationship between the technology and accessibility?

Non-science facts

  • team work
  • math
  • problem solving
  • how planets form (history)
  • Scientific Method (theory, hypotheses, experiment, analysis)


  • There may not be enough time in one class period to incorporate a point system. This is might need to be a strictly a timed venture. You want to complete the missions to gain the information and get back to earth in a set amount of time.

Christy Innis-Kloote

Women that UX


Visual Hero

From Class visit on November 4th. She reviewed everything from Project Overview through Ideation.

  • It was nice to visit your class today. Seems you may also be on my list of people to talk to as we discuss how we are educating others on experience deign in West Michigan. I have some rallying to do since our feedback came from IxDA national.
  • Also the other person now in Google Matt Jones (weird they both are Jones) I want to bring to GR. Matt Jones Practical Design Fiction Video - Lamps: 24 Rules for smart light Video - This one for specifically projection of light (24 rules by Berg)
  • His talk isn't fantastic but the work samples toward the end are fantastic.
  • The Future User Interface
  • or the base definition of user stories with some nice examples on writing structure: User Story

Additional Notes

  • Think about using gesturing for coordinating teamwork
  • Does Hololens have voice activation & is it relevant?
  • Pay attention to the way the door swings in the compact spaces.
  • What about some fans for simulated wind effects