Amplified K12, Virtual Field Trip, Journey to Mars


Innocademy Lab Project Presentation
Demonstrating the Journey to Mars Website

Notes From the Projected Presentation Session At Innocademy:

  • Carpet tiles did not seem to make sense to Claire in their arrangement
  • Concerned about cast shadows. The test in the low fidelity prototype proved this to not be a problem.
  • Walking in place is dorky... move around on a segway. Traveling can also be done during the cut scenes
  • Some students will like to stay behind after the field trip and clean the Hololens... and some not.
  • Hololens count system... in the cart, use lights to indicate which lenses are returned and charging.
  • The hololens concept is confusing to kids, even after watching the Microsoft movie several times.
  • Competitive teams / keeping score ... students are mixed on wether this is a good idea or not.
  • Control room is just as cool as being in the station.
  • Developer model for creating trips is best.. Sandon.
  • White text is hard to read on screen
  • Suggest edit in order of presentation, get people excited about going to mars and then talk about environment

Control Center GUI

  • How will students be able to know how to use the interface and play game? Answer: they will watch a video that introduces the game premise and play in their home classroom before the trip.
  • Will there be training? Answer: students will go on frequent trips to a variety of locations. The gameplay and GUI for each location will be very similar for each trip and over time the students will become adept at all of the Amplified trips.


  • A tv showing the field trip in the hall way can add a lot of excitement. This could include both live and recorded action

Journey Map

  • Why do people get motion sickness? Answer: the disconnect between visual motion coupled with a lack of physical motion.
  • Do 4 people have to lift fuel cell? Answer: yes, teamwork is at the center of the learning.
  • Is it timed? Answer: yes, if the individual missions are not accomplished within an allotted time, the trip moves o to the next thing anyway.
  • The experience could be captured on video for later viewing and debriefing/reflecting.

Hololens GUI

  • Do all four team members need to agree on a location to move forward? Answer: yes, it is critical to the team building aspect.
  • Color has meaning... why is the interface green? Answer: it is the complimentary color to the Mars's red... for readability.
  • How do they track time? Answer: audio transmissions from mission control.
  • Accessibility for deaf and blind? Answer: not yet considered.

Hololens management system

  • What is the cost difference between wireless charging and plugin charging? Answer: the primary driver towards wireless charging was usability... teachers and students will be burdened if they have to plugin 24 Hololens.
  • Why not charge and store at the mission control station? Answer: by locking them in the cart, which is locked in the storage room, which is locked in the facility... offers three level of security.

Business model

  • What are some other field trip ideas? Answer: Amplify Virtual Field Trips can go anywhere in space-time.
  • Consider Open Source, such as a build-your-own option alongside the kit. It would be include plans and instructions.
  • The Amplify corp. should pay to have a number of trips developed and ready to go before initial kit launch.
  • What about the quality of the educational content? Answer: it Will be controlled through the developer kit, API, a corporate approval process and teacher reviews

Notes From the Low Fidelity Testing At Innocademy:

  • Stations may need to grow to 11x11 to 12x12, will make a significant difference.
  • Projector placed 4 feet from wall will only cast shadow on wall when student is closer than 18 inches.
  • Students will have to line up single file in and out of classroom.
  • Students grab hololens on table and immediately walk into station to get ready for field trip.
  • Window will allow teacher to keep track of students who are outside of room in line.
  • Debrief will be handled in classroom beforehand.
Fun at the Innocademy
Underbite Games Logo

Review With Underbite Games' Cory Heald:

  • Development RecommendationDevelopment:
    • phase 2 should be a single station with with with 5 -10 minutes worth of a variety of game-play scenarios
    • phase 3 would be a 10-15 minute game
    • phase 4 would be a whole game
  • The projection screen will have to be split into 4 strips if the 4 players are going to move in different directions:
Participants in the Project


KCAD Presentation

  • Kasey McCargar (KCAD Faculty)
  • Susan Bonner (KCAD Faculty)
  • Brad Yarhouse (KCAD Faculty)
  • Jean Hanks (Friendly Code)
  • Allen Clark (Friendly Code)
  • Christy Innis Kloote (IXDA)
  • Ben Georgoff (Digital Media Student that lead the previous project)

Innocademy Presentation

  • Sandon Newton (Innocademy Course Instructor)
  • Christian Demeester (Innocademy Student)
  • Adrian Cooney (Innocademy Student)
  • Cameron Gunn (Innocademy Student)
  • Nathan Durham (Innocademy Student)
  • Claire Buckingham (Innocademy Student)

Both Presentations

  • Bill Fischer (KCAD: Course Instructor)
  • Abby Archambault (Student Team Member)
  • Mary Clifford (Student Team Member)
  • Ling Wang (Student Team Member)
  • Emily Markopoulos (Student Team Member)
  • Brenda Snell (Student Team Member)
  • Abby Ziolkowski (Student Team Member)