Introduction of “Environmental Law Journal”

The JCHEP was established in 1973, following the United Nations Conference on Human Environmental at Stockholm in 1972 and observed its 50th anniversary in 2023. Researchers’ volunteer activities support the JCHEP. The JCHEP has been actively advancing legislative proposals on environmental conservation, and creative activities.

The JCHEP has published policy proposals and study results in the “Environmental Law Journal” (hereinafter referred to as ELJ), which was inaugural issue, the JCHEP Representative, Dr. Ichiro Kato, made clear ELJ7s editorial policy, stating that the journal will be edited by the JCHEP and the latter’s study results will be published therein; however, it will not be merely a bulletin of the JCHEP but will broadly cover the legal and related fields of research of environmental problems. Under this editorial policy, 49 issues of the ELJ have been published, and the 50 th issue will be in 2025.

The Editor’s Note in the inaugural issue of the ELJ noted that while the “Ecology Law Quarterly” is published in the United States, the ELJ is the first technical journal on environmental law to be published in Japan, and he requested widespread cooperation for its future success.