Lafayette Jefferson BANDS

Welcome to Lafayette Jefferson Bands! Here you will find information about our bands and ensembles, color guard, and Band Booster activities. 

Photos and videos from many of our events are shared on the Jeff Bands Facebook page.

Jeff Bands Community Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Garcia Insurance Agency

Lena & Patrick Harper

Bronze Sponsors

2024-2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Is your business or family interested in sponsoring the Lafayette Jefferson Bands for the 2024-2025 school year? Please consider perusing the available opportunities below!

24-25 Sponsorship Letter.pdf

If you shop at Pay Less Super Market or Kroger, please sign up for Kroger rewards to benefit Lafayette Jefferson Band Boosters.  This can be used at ANY Kroger store, not just locally.

1) Visit

2) Enter an email address, password and select your preferred store.

Note – there are no stores listed in Lafayette (due to Payless ownership) but it doesn’t matter. Just type in your zip code and click on the closest store (Monticello or Lebanon)

3) Once you are registered you can edit your profile to enter your KrogerPlus Card # or Alternate ID (phone #). After you’ve done that, scroll to the bottom and click on Community Rewards – this is where you will link your profile to the Jeff Band Department. In the search bar type AD241, hit confirm, and that’s it!

Upcoming Events