10 Hour EEP

Here I will make a few ideas of games I can make in underten hours. the hope here is to get the basics of each game made in ten hours to explore and learn new skills.

The idea isn't to necessarily get a fully complete working game as it is to learn and develop new skills. I will be pushing my knowledge in areas I am interested in to maintain motivation.

For this, I wanted to create some basic ideas in note software and get the basic mechanics and stories done. Here is the idea I made including one horror game one isometric puzzle game and one multiplayer game.

Horror game - To test lighting and dynamic player lights/ to test enemy movement and enemy AI

Top-down / Isometric game - To test visuals and camera controls/ to test puzzle mechanics

Simple two-character puzzle game - Test local multiplayer/ test puzzle mechanics

Horror game -

My idea is to create a top-down horror game where the player explores a simple pre-made maze and finds an exit to escape. While exploring certain areas will have enemies at a dead end, the enemies will change the player. For the enemies, I will have them a chance the player, but if they are out of distance, the enemies disappear but still chase till close.

Top-down - 

My idea for this is to make a simple world-building game mixed with puzzle elements. The player will be on an isometric plane, and they will be given pieces of the map to rebuild to level. Their goal will be to fix the map using pieces like a puzzle.

Simple two-character game -

My idea for this is for two players to be connected mutant goo creatures and the goal is to work together to complete the level. The story will be simple. The players will be tasked with escaping while the researchers attempt to stop the players from getting out thus exposing their unethical experimentations.

Here are the origanal notes where i placed the ideas.

Here I made a small prototype horror game. You go through a maze avoiding enemies to find the exit.