Emerging Technologies Critical Essay

For the Essay, we are to research, write, and format an Essay on emerging technology that has impacted the video game industry. We need to write a 2000-word Essay on an emerging technology in gaming that impacted the gaming industry. The Essay must be well-researched and include proper referencing. We must use an accurate and well-formatted layout and include Harvard referencing. We must also reference multiple sources in this Essay to show good research practices.

We were shown the topics that we could choose to cover from home consoles to mobile gaming. We were shown some of the influential products in that topic, as well as how they impacted the gaming space. We also have a workbook if we need help formatting our essays.

We were also quizzed on these topics to help us memorize them. We worked on learning the hand-in dates. The first is the 27th of October for the draft submission, then the 18th of December for the final date.

Today, we were split into groups and tasked with looking into a subject in the gaming space. We had to look into what it was and its past in the gaming world. For this, I teamed up with Alex Needham, and we chose to delve into the VR headset.

We first gave a basic description of VR, talking about its involvement in gaming. We then created a timeline showing the notable VR developments throughout history and how they changed over time. Lastly, we described the items from our timeline and pointed out what it was and did for VR and VR development.

We did this task to get an insight into how we should begin to look into the history of a given subject in gaming. This, showed us some of the steps to critically evaluate the history of a subject delving into the events that impacted that subject.

Here, is The PowerPoint:


Today we had a lesson on Havard referencing where we were taught the process and format of proper Havard referencing. In this lesson, I made an attempt at making my own Havard reference so I could learn the format better. This was just an attempt to learn the format so I may or may not use this link in the final essay. Here you can see I made the reference and included all of the format.

Today, we were learning about checking our sources. We were told about what makes a source relevant and what makes it sketchy. We also learned the 14 features to look out for when referencing so we know if it is reputable or not.

Here are the 14 things to look out for:

Today, we were looking at the future of certain technologies and we also looked at each others essays and gave two positives and one negative review. 

Here are the ones I got and my thoughts on them.

For the first criticism I recently learned that essays are not meant to be in the first person which Kyle commented on. I will fix this by framing it from the point of view of the essay as the essay is meant to show my opinion. the rest I got were good things about my essay. the areas that I have good so far are the layouts, referencing, and facts.

For this lesson we looked into the basic in paragraph structure, we looked at the PEEL which shows how to format a point. The first P stands for point this is the main point you are talking about. Then the first E is the evidence of the point with the research that you backed it up with. The next E is the explanation where you cover why you believe this point and how your research applies to the point. the last l is for link were you either link to the next point or link to context.

Were were asked to use PEEL to answer a question. we had to use the question Should children be allowed to watch movies or tv series with a high level of violence down below is the word document and the link to back it up:

Kids should not be able to watch movies and shows with a high level of violence. This is because a large amount of shows and movies that rely on violence use a deep story to either justify or explain the violence as a part of the story. This can lead to violent behaviours in the children or the glorification of violent actions.

Based on the research by George Spears and Kasia Seydegart on the kids' view of violence in media. In this article they polled 288 classes on whether violence in media is attractive and if they have seen peers partaking in violent actions. the first results show that the majority of students both boys and girls rank lots of violence as one of the least common reasons for a favorite series being their pick. 

The research concludes that when parents are overseeing the media and the level of violence in the media that the kids are consuming closely links to the child's understanding of the media. As you can see in the quote "Family discussion of social issues in the media helps children recognize the harmful potential of media violence"

Another point in the discussion is the difference between the gender's understanding and comprehension of the violence in video games. This can be seen in the evidence as they ranked violence as a more prominent feature of their media and as a favourite part of their games. Boys had cited many m-rated video games as their favourite as 5 of the top 20 games were m-rated and over 50% had one or more m-rated games as an option.

Past Present and Future impacts of AI in games and game development.docx