All team meatings:

For this project, we as a team will be doing weekly meetings. In these meetings, we will discuss the ideas and concepts as well as talk about the tasks we have achieved. We will go over what we accomplished over the last week and talk about what we still need to do from it. Then we will outline our aims for this upcoming week.

Setting up Trello:

To start creating the team meetings, I first added a Trello card to hold all the team meetings. To this, I add the first team meeting for the first week. As we are doing the meetings in person, I will add them here after we have done them. I will write a description of the conversation we had and our contributions to it.

Adding a label:

Next, so we can keep order in the notes I created a label for the team meetings. This shows the people reading as well as the team that these contain the meeting information. After creating this label I added it to the card. I made it orange to defer from the other cards I created like red for bugs.

Week One

Lastly, I am going to add the description. First, I add the date at the top of the card. I did this to ensure accurate tracking of the times or meetings. I am aiming to start the meeting at the start of the first lesson each Tuesday. For two weeks we will not be at college, so we will aim to meet on call. I added a general description covering what we talked about.

We discussed an idea for the FMP as we brainstormed ideas. We created the team roles and tasks for each one to do. I was assigned tasks including Coding, Sounds, and UI and I talked about what I created to help organize. Mitchell was assigned Coding and Animations and talked about potential mechanics. Alex was assigned Level Design, Grey Boxing, and Modelling and talked about creating a Trello. Kyle was assigned Level Design and Modelling and talked about what weapons to make. Zak was assigned Coding and Server set-up and Asked about how we wanted the server to work.

Messages & Text Communication:

First of the messages, I sent one to inform the team that the proposal documents had been put in teams. Next, I sent in my completed plan for the proposal to give some guidance. Lastly, I sent a few messages asking the team about how they would want to do the target audience research. We talked back and forth but did not come to a conclusion. 


To reflect on the first week's meeting, I am happy with our meeting as I feel we talked about a lot of the details of the idea. Being in a group has helped us speed up the idea creation as we could bounce ideas off each other well. The next good thing was our log of the weekly meeting as evidence of our meeting. I would have liked to get more evidence of messages, but we were mostly talking in person. I sent documents to help my team to be as helpful as I could be. 

Week Two:

For week two, we began researching our aspects and talked about what we planned to research throughout the week. I talked about analysing my survey results and my mechanic research plans. Mitchell talked about his Google forms that he will break down and discussed his work on finishing the proposal. Alex talked about his plans to research similar environments and talked about his survey breakdown plans. Kyle talked about his survey breakdown plans, as well talked about the plans for guns. Zak discussed his work on finishing the proposal and talked about the lobby ideas.

Messages & Text Communication:

For the messages, I first sent out a Miro board for the team to help improve communication and allow us to create mood boards. Next, I sent out a message to get an idea for the health and shield system, which we went further on in person. With this, I aim to create more of an idea around the health system. Then lastly, I asked if we wanted a communication wheel, which helped firm my ideas on communication in the game. 


Again this week I would have liked to have more team communication via messages, but we were in college as well, so there was more in-person communication. I am happy with the conversations as we managed to get an idea of each other's weekly additions. I sent out a Miro board for the team to help improve communication and allow us to create mood boards. I feel I achieved this goal with the tools I used. I sent out a message to get an idea for the health and shield system, which we went further on in person. Then lastly, I asked if we wanted a communication wheel, which helped firm my ideas. 

Week Three:

For the third week, we went over the progress from last week and created aims based on the task achieved. I talked about falling behind due to the Game Jam and about what I plan to do this week to catch up. Mitchell also talked about falling behind due to the Game Jam, as he was doing it as well. He also talked about his playtime research. Alex talked about his findings from the building research so far and went over his weekly plans. Kyle talked about his Google form results and his gun results and plans moving forward. Zak covered his research plans and talked about what he needs to catch up on through this week. 

Messages & Text Communication:

For the messages, I sent out the previous team meeting weeks so my team had them to catalogue as well.


For week three there was little online communication but was another college week. After this week we will be going to be at home for the two weeks following it. This means we will be doing voice calls to share our progress. I sent some messages about the group meeting, so my team could add them to their pages as well. 

Week Four:

For this week we talked about the research we plan to work on and covered any unfinished work. I talked about my plans to finish researching mechanics and my plans to move on to production next week. Mitchell talked about moving on to animation and movement research which he will be doing through the week. Alex talked about finishing the prop research and discussed his planned switch to colour and shape theory research later on. Kyle talked about moving on to colour and shape theory research and talked about finishing the weapon mood boards. Zak talked about his weekly plans to advance on research and the server mechanics he will research during the week.