Here is my Final Major Project Proposal and Time Management plan.

In this document I went through why I wanted to do the project, what the project is, what I will be doing, what research I'm doing, and how I will evaluate the project. I also made a time plan where I went through what I would do during each week of the project and what equipment and software I would need for these tasks.

Project Name: Name: Joseph Bowman

Pathway Preferred Media Specialism - 308 Words

Personally, coding has always been, and will always be, the specialisation I most enjoy. I envision it as my chosen field. For this project, I will be implementing essential weapon mechanics such as shooting and grenades. As I aim to push myself, I will also delve into creating visual effects (VFX) for the project. I will work on adding various visual effects, including grenade explosions, flash bangs, clouds, and more. Additionally, I will take on the responsibility of implementing the sounds. My responsibilities span visual effect work and programming, with a smaller focus on sound. I plan to work across this wide range of specialities to develop my skills and explore other facets of the tools I am accustomed to.

The reason I am programming for this project is that it is the first thing that got me into game development. From the start, it has been an area I am deeply interested in and one where I have developed my skills well. However, this does mean that I will not be able to challenge myself outside of creating mechanics I have not made before. Nevertheless, there are other areas in this project where I am experiencing growth. In particular, the visual effects (VFX) and sounds are aspects I am focusing on the most.

While I have a small amount of experience in both these areas through my previous projects, it is not enough for me to claim complete mastery. I have not created any detailed visual effects (VFX) before, aside from clouds. Therefore, having the opportunity to work on other effects will allow me to gain a better understanding of this aspect of game design. In terms of sounds, I have added them to games and done the basics of creating them. Still, for this project, I am committed to thoroughly and efficiently developing the sound systems.

Project Concept - 905 Words

For this FMP, we, as a group, Joseph Bowman, Mitchell Whittaker, Alex Needham, Zak Annetts, and Kyle Williams, aim to create a detailed and realistic First-Person Shooter. The Players will spawn on the map and have to find advanced weapons to fight against their opponents. Play in teams of two to capture the enemy's base or go against each other in a wild, Free-For-All PvP Deathmatch. In this game, the player can switch between found weapons with four guns to select the best choice for the task at hand. The play time of a match will depend on the players, with a two-team match lasting anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes with three rounds. The Free-For-All will last however long it takes to reach a target of fifty eliminations. 

There will be a simple main menu showing the map in detailed screenshots, fading from one to another. There will be a simple pause menu, so the player can leave the game and return to the main menu. A UI at the top will show the top players and their scores when in a match. In Capture the Flag, it will show the team scores at the top. There will also be a settings menu allowing the player to change the in-game settings. There will be music, but we do not plan to create it for the game. We will use copyright-free music from music sources. The game will have sound effects for aspects like shooting, explosions, and flash bangs. Visual effects in the game will include flash bangs, bullet holes, explosions, and more. 

The controls will be simple and stick to the keyboard layout. The player will use the movement keys to walk around and run with the shift key. The player will be able to jump and crouch with space and control. The player will have areas to climb, including ladders and stairs. They will be able to climb onto building sides after jumping close. We will have a single map set in an offside military base, with weapons strewn throughout the map. There will be warehouse buildings where the military used to operate. Throughout the map will be props like shipping containers, crates, and fences. The map will have a realistic style but will be simple to save time. 

We will create a functioning game demo or the level in Unity. We will host this online for anyone to play. It will be a downloadable zip and anyone can play for free. We may later expand on it and make it a fully paid game. We will use a wide range of studio resources. Furthermore, we will use Autodesk Maya for modelling and Substance Painter for creating the in-game textures. The game will be built in Unity, making use of the tools to create the levels and mechanics. 

I aim to make and showcase each of the mechanics that I have planned. For each mechanic I make, I hope to show them working in an example video. I plan to showcase the final game in a walkthrough video and link to an itch page. On the Itch page, I plan to add the game and write a description. This will ensure players know how to get and play the game.  For this, I will plan what i hope to showcase in the research and planning.

Throughout this project, we will use teams to gather feedback on forms and demos and use the feedback to improve our game. We will ask our peers and tutors for feedback to get a look at the aspects we are missing. This will also be a way to gather bugs, so we can remove them. While developing, it is common to miss bugs as you are noticing other issues or features. My proposal and time planner will be used as a basis to work from while I create the project. This proposal document allows me to break my workload down into a weekly format, which makes working on it much simpler. The proposal will allow me to state my intentions and explain my ideas and concepts to peers, who will then provide me with feedback to use at the start of my project. 

For research, I will start by creating some surveys for use as primary research. I will need to research each mechanic I work on and find tutorials and articles on how they work. Furthermore, I will create a flow chart for each mechanic as the Planning/Pre-production. Moreover, I will then create the mechanics following along with the planning I did. I will work on making a build to show as the final product after implementing feedback. After I have created the last build, I will review my progress, checking how I stuck to my plan and how I handled changes. I will keep a log of all the resources I used for research in my bibliography. 

For the project, we will be using Unity to build the game. The reason for Unity is that it is the software i am most comfortable with, and it will be a chance to show my skills without learning a new engine. I will need access to Visual Studio as it is my scripting program of choice. I will also need access to GitHub, as it will be the tool used for sending the game back and forth between developers. To get this all to run, we will need access to a PC and an internet connection. I want to have a look at and get accustomed to the Unity shader graph and other Unity effects tools. I will use them to create the effects for some throwables in the game. Another tool I want to learn during this project is a part of photon or another tool for multiplayer. While I am not making it directly, I will need to understand it as I am working on the code which must function in multiplayer.

Project Rationale - 992 Words

From the beginning of this year, I have spent my time trying to polish the skills I have learned through numerous previous years of game development. I have Spent time creating projects in unity in a myriad of styles, like my 3D Dungeon Builder and my 2D Sci-Fi Platformer . I have spent my time taking the areas of game development I prefer and making sure I understand the intricate details and developments of the fields. While I have been aiming to improve my weaknesses and bolster my strengths, I have also been making sure to learn new skills and stay up to date on tools and techniques.

Before this year, I had the basics down in many areas of game development and had gained a large skill set. I had gained these traits, but I lacked the knowledge of game design principles to fully utilise the skills I had. I developed skills, but they were too interwoven with other software programs. Furthermore, I had a lot of specialities but not a deep grasp on the ones I aspired to develop. I have spent time developing my modelling and coding, as well as learning new skills including texturing, UV unwrapping, procedural coding and more.

During this final year, I have spent my time expanding my skills over multiple different software, as new tools and features came out. I have spent time learning Godot expanding my skills in unity learning its tools including the shader graph and texture systems. To build on and improve my weaknesses, I have spent time looking into the actual design behind game development. What made gaming fun, what made the mechanics feel polished, and what players look for in video games were all factors I looked at. I have also delved deeper into my strengths, expanding on my programming with new projects and game jams.

I have skills in 3D modelling and basic skills in UV editing and texturing. Through projects, creating models and renders through a few select programs including 3DS Max, Blender and Maya. My skills include programming in C# and a small amount of GDevelop and C++, using them in a range of software including Unity, Godot, GameMaker, and Unreal. I have also created various effects and UI, working on aspects including fire, smoke, menus and player stats.

From the beginning, I have been interested in every aspect of creating games, and I have desired to work on full games. However, through this course, I have learned what areas I am suited for and what areas do not interest me as much. My number one interest is in coding as it is the life of a game without it a game does not even open. I also have a deep interest in the visual side of games. My love for learning the process behind how the visuals come together in games has made me strive to develop my modelling and art skills.

Through this project I hope to challenge myself by making mechanics I have never made before and by working in a multiplayer space. I want to work on shooting mechanics which i have never made, and make sure they work in the multiplayer scenes. While I have experience with coding and creating effects, I have either not developed my skills to this level or not applied them to this specific genre. Making sure all the mechanics and effects work on the multiple accounts playing at a time will be a large amount of the challenge with this project.

This project will allow me to grow my skills not only in general as a coder, but it will give me more experience in other aspects I have not done before. This project will end up being the biggest project I have ever worked on and will test my skills in a lot of areas. I am aiming to develop the skills to create a shooter in Unity as well as being able to work in a multiplayer space.

For this project, we plan to showcase a complete game experience. The game will most likely be short, featuring only one map to keep the scope manageable. The game will have decent polish and hopefully be a fully smooth experience. I will showcase my work on my blog, separating the different parts on different pages to keep my blog simple and easy to understand. I will also take videos of specific mechanics, so I can show off my work. The game link will be on the blog, and the game will be hosted on Itch.io, possibly later on Steam

This project will be a great addition to my portfolio. It will be a great example to show off my skills and my specialism. It will be a great way to show my versatility in game development and design. This project will be a different style of game from what i have worked on, showing I am willing to work on a wide variety of projects. This project will look great to universities as it will demonstrate a great level of skill. It will show that I can work as a team and communicate efficiently. It will also be an example of my wide skill set and show off my development over time. Furthermore, it will show that I have a desire to improve and develop my strengths and weaknesses.

I hope to work on games either as a part of a major company as a programmer or as a part of an indie team. I would also be happy working as an indie developer on my own, although it is a much harder venture. The idea of working in a small indie team or on my own is inviting. This would give me more control over the project and ensure I am working on games I enjoy. Because of how complex a situation can be, there is a high chance I could pursue both of these options.

Reflection and Evaluation - 468 Words

To reflect on this project, I will do it in three parts. First the ongoing will be a weekly blog where I describe how the week went, what goals we achieved, and what we could have improved. This will be helped by weekly meetings, where we will cover the things we did during the week. This will give me and my team a chance to reflect on our work for that week. It will also give me a chance to reflect on my team and their efforts. 

Second, will be the final reflection where I will go over the entire project looking at how it went, how I felt I did, and if I am happy with the final product. I will cover the project from start to finish, reflecting critically on my work. This will go over the project after I made it, looking from a reflective standpoint. I will look over what I have done and how I could have done it differently. I will analyse the strengths I have gained over this project and the weaknesses I have developed.

Third, to reflect I will look at feedback gathered from my peers and tutors, and analyse them. To analyse them, I will read over the feedback and check if the feedback is a change that should be made. Sometimes the suggestions are features that were planned that had to be scrapped due to challenges. If the feedback is a change to be made, and we have time to make it, I will implement it, if not then I will log it down as a possibility to change if I were to do it again.

To log my work, I will make a weekly log where I go over the production that I did that week. I will put the weekly reflection, having a look at how the week went, on that page. I will also analyse how well my and m team contributed to the project that week. Furthermore, I will make sure to both reflect while doing the action and after the action, making use of reflection in action vs reflection on action.

In the final evaluation where I go over the entire project and reflect, I will take a look at not only my technical skills but my personal skills. I will look at how I managed my time and how well I stuck to it. I will analyse how well I stuck to my goals and aims for the projects. We will be using Trello to log changes and bugs, which will be used to reflect in written work. The weekly meeting will be another tool to reflect on the work we did and will be logged on the blog. By doing everything weekly this will ensure everything is in a linear order.

Research sources and Bibliography  - 787 Words

For this project, I will use both primary and secondary research as my forms of research. I will create two Google forms to start and use them as my initial primary research. I will create one on the machines I am creating, to get a look at peoples' opinions on these games and their mechanics. The second one will look at the sounds and UI, and I will get tier opinion on the colour styles and sounds a game like this should have. 

Once halfway through, I will conduct another survey on the progress so far. I will ask what they think of the idea so far and how well we have executed it. Then at the end, we will gather one final Google form for the final feedback. This will be the last research that is done, as it is at the end of the project. 

To start this project, I am going to look in-depth in many areas as I am going to work on a lot of mechanics. For this project, I will be working on a lot of shooting mechanics, and it will probably be one of the first mechanics I will look into. I will have to research how making a multiplayer game affects the mechanics I play. All the mechanics must show across other screens, including effects like grenades and smoke bombs. 

I will use YouTube as my main source of tutorials, it is a great source of videos explaining the concepts simply and effectively. I will use the pages on the tools we are using for multiplayer to get a better grasp on how it works. The Unity documentation Will be a great source, to not only find how to achieve the mechanics I want but to back up and check the information present in the videos. Unity documentation is also a great way to fix and solve issues that may arise. 

I will aim to look at other credible forms of research, including online articles and other official documents. If I cannot achieve this aim, I will reflect on it and aim to improve on this. These can be great courses on tools and mechanics but are not always easy to find. There are many sources on what makes mechanics feel good, and they can be helpful.

These sources, including videos, articles and documentation, will influence the mechanics and ideas a lot. This is because, without them, I will not be able to achieve my plans. That means if the idea I plan can not be found in a tutorial, I will have to follow along with one, changing the idea. This can be a bad thing, but it can also improve the ideas and mechanics.

I will have a lot of mechanics to research and look into, they will all be stored and tracked on Trello. After I have looked into and researched the shooting mechanics, I will have to make sure my weapon code works with multiple types of weapons. I will have to research the systems that allow this functionality. There are many methods I know about that could achieve this, but I will have to look into the other options as well. I know of Enums and Scriptable Objects, which are both options I could use. 

After the weapons, I will have to research the other offensive abilities. The game will require grenades and flash bangs, where I will have to not only research how to create the mechanics behind them but also create the effects. I have to delve into shader graphs or animated textures to create the effects for the game. The grenades and flash bangs will need a throwing system to work properly in the game. I will have to look into different methods of creating a throwing system and make sure it works in the multiplayer setting. 

Once I have researched the weapons, I will have to go on researching the effects that will follow them. This will include bullet holes, flash bangs, smoke, and explosions. I will research the tools that are available to create them. And I will find tutorials on the tools to get the look I aim for.

We will also research the audience for the game covering a few areas. First, we will look at the age rating for the game by analysing other games' age rating. Then we will research the game cost, looking at the price of other games both indie and triple-A games. After that, we will look at the console the game should be on wether it be Steam, itch or consoles. Lastly, there is the length of the game and the gender brake these will both be analysed using other games.

Week 1 - 11 Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops - 1,361 Words

Week 1: 4th - 10th of March:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. I will also create the project a publish it on a GitHub Repository. This means I will need access to GitHub both online and on GitHub Desktop and access to Unity Hub and Game Engine.

Week 2: 11th - 17th of March:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. As I will be mostly doing research this week, I will need access to YouTube and the internet to find videos and online reading sources for the mechanics I am researching. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 3: 18th - 24th of March:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. As I will be mostly doing research this week, I will need access to YouTube and the internet to find videos and online reading sources for the mechanics I am researching. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 4: 25th - 31st of March:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. As I will be mostly doing research this week, I will need access to YouTube and the internet to find videos and online reading sources for the mechanics I am researching. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 5: 1st - 7th of April:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. For these production weeks, I will need access to YouTube to log videos of mechanics and show my work. I will need access to Unity to create my mechanics and build the game. GitHub Desktop will be used to publish any changes to the game, so others can collaborate. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 6: 8th - 14th of April:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. For these production weeks, I will need access to YouTube to log videos of mechanics and show my work. I will need access to Unity to create my mechanics and build the game. GitHub Desktop will be used to publish any changes to the game, so others can collaborate. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 7: 15th - 21st of April:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. For these production weeks, I will need access to YouTube to log videos of mechanics and show my work. I will need access to Unity to create my mechanics and build the game. GitHub Desktop will be used to publish any changes to the game, so others can collaborate. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 8: 22nd - 28th of April:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. For these production weeks, I will need access to YouTube to log videos of mechanics and show my work. I will need access to Unity to create my mechanics and build the game. GitHub Desktop will be used to publish any changes to the game, so others can collaborate. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 9: 29th - 5th of May:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. For these production weeks, I will need access to YouTube to log videos of mechanics and show my work. I will need access to Unity to create my mechanics and build the game. GitHub Desktop will be used to publish any changes to the game, so others can collaborate. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. 

Week 10: 6th - 12th of May:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. I will need to access my blog, so I can evaluate the work I have done over the weeks. I will need access to Google Forms to get some evaluation feedback from my peers.

Week 11: 13th - 19th of May:

This week I will need access to a working computer both at home and at college. I will need these to write up my written work and add it to my Google Site. Carrying on from this, I will need access to Google Sites and the internet, so I can publish the written work on my blog. For the written work, I will need to use Grammarly and LanguageTool to check the spelling and grammar of my written work. I will need to access my blog, so I can evaluate the work I have done over the weeks.

Week 1 - 11 Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study - 2,145

Week 1: 4th - 10th of March:

For the first week, I will focus on filling in and finishing my proposal. I will explain what pathway in the industry I desire to go in and work on explaining why. Then, I will explain the project concept, covering what the idea is, how it will work, and how we will show it off. For the proposal I will fill in the project rationale, where I cover what I want to gain from this project, what skills I aim to hone, and why this project will be good for me.

For the project proposal, I will cover what I will evaluate and the methods I will use to do it. Then I will explain what I need to research and cover the methods I plan to use. I will create a time plan where I plan each week. For each of these weeks, I will talk about what I hope to achieve and what the timescale will be for each task. Following along, I will talk about the tools I need and explain why I need access to them.

I will create some Google surveys to send out. I am doing this early because I need time to get responses. I will send out two surveys and break them down in my research for week one. I will go over why I asked these questions and what I hope to get from them. After that, I will break down the answers in week two. I will log what I did during week one on my Google website blog. I will go through what I did during the week and reflect on it. For each mechanic I researched, I will create a flow chart on how it worked to plan it.

Week 2: 11th - 17th of March:

To start week two, I will break down the results of my surveys and cover the responses I got from them. I will talk about whether the feedback is valid or not and if it could be applied to the idea. If it can, I will bring it up with the team to not make the full decisions on my own without taking in their opinion. If not, I will cover why and what the effect would be.

I will reflect on the results of these surveys, taking a critical look at what effects they had. I will log this all down as research on the week one research part of my blog. Then I will start researching mechanics, looking at any YouTube videos I can find on the topics. For the later weeks, I will start with implementing the shooting, so that is what I would research first.

For the first week, I will probably begin looking for a general playlist on the type of game we are making. This will give me insight into the creation process for an idea like this. This will also give me a look at the problems that may arise going with their method. But it could also shine a light on new tools and or mechanics. I will log this all down on my blog for research week two.

Week 3: 18th - 24th of March:

For week three I will continue with my research, I will look into some of the mechanics I missed in week two. I will look at videos on throwables and other weapons the game will need. I will look into some team mechanics from my survey feedback. Furthermore, I will also use my survey feedback to gather research on any other mechanics people expect to see.

I will work on creating visual effects for some game's weapons and environment later in the weeks. These will need to be researched, and I will look into the tools available to get these working. I will start researching a few menus and sounds that the game could use as a reference or to use in the game.

I will create a few mood boards for the look of the effects and the menu. Furthermore, I will look at examples and break them down into their pros and cons. This will all get logged on my blog for the work I did that week. For each mechanic I researched, I will create a flow chart on how it worked to plan it.

Week 4: 25th - 31st of March:

Week for will be the last of the research weeks and will be the week when I wrap up looking into mechanics and inspiration. I will look into the game mechanics like the timers and player score. I will start by researching how other games achieve this and which is the best method for us. Furthermore, I will then show these to my team to get a consensus on these ideas and which to go for.

After all that, I will reflect on this and say why we went with the choice we made. I will also make sure to keep a list of which one is most likely, in case the first one does not work out. This will make sure we have a backup option in case anything falls through in the production step.

I will check with my team to make sure no mechanics are missing from being researched. I will then be ready to move on to production next week. For each mechanic I researched, I will create a flow chart on how it worked to plan it.

Week 5: 1st - 7th of April:

For week five, I will begin the production phase of the project. Focusing on the basic mechanics. I will take the research and planning from prior weeks and put it towards creating the mechanics I work on. For the first week, I will work on making the basic shooting mechanics. I will not have access to ant movement yet, so I will just focus on the shooting. 

For this, I will have to create a new empty project as the project will be worked on by Zak. The reason for this is that the underlying multiplayer code needs to be done first. This is because every mechanic will need to be built from this to work in the multiplayer environment.

At the end of this week, I will take a look back at what I managed to get done. I will evaluate how well I stuck to my goals and if I achieved what I planned. If not, I will go over why and what it has affected. I will then log this all on my website, as well as what mechanics need to do next week that I missed this week.

Week 6: 8th - 14th of April:

For week six, I will focus on the mechanics planned for week one that I missed if there were any. If not, I will begin straight away with the mechanics I outlined in my research. I will focus on implementing the other weapons like grenades and flash bangs, getting the basics down. I will, if I have time, focus on expanding the gun system.

For all this, I will keep working on the other project folder I made to give more time to Zak to ensure everything is working. If it is sometime this week, I will start implementing the basic stuff I worked on into the original project. If Mitchell has his movement working too, I will add the guns to the characters.

After I do all this, I will log it down on my blog and get ready to reflect. I will go over what I did this week and reflect on any changes made. If so, I will cover why they happened and what they affected. I will then note down any things I did not manage to get done this week as I can work on them the next week.

Week 7: 15th - 21st of April:

For week 7 I will continue with development and production, focusing on adding more mechanics. This week, Zak should have all the server systems working, so I will make sure every one of my mechanics is working in the game. I will work on developing some effects for the game. I will start with the effects of the throwables and add them to the system.

If there is a basic setup at this point, we will also have some hours set aside for testing and bug finding. If I can find any, I will focus on fixing them this week. This week, I would also like to start creating the UI assets to make the menu and lobbies look better. I would also like to start looking for music and sounds for next week.

After I have done all this, I will reflect on the work I did for this week and log them on my blog. I will go over what I did this week and reflect on any changes made. If so, I will cover why they happened and what they affected. I will then note down any things I did not manage to get done this week as I can work on them the next week.

Week 8: 22nd - 28th of April:

During week eight, I will aim to finish up any work on the weapon systems and the visuals for them. I plan to get any missing work from the previous week done. I will also finish making the menus look better and get all the UI working. To continue that, I will begin working on the game systems like the timers and score.

I will work on the game models, making sure the systems are working. I will then work on testing the finished features from previous weeks. Furthermore, I will look for bugs and errors in the project, and I will look for balance issues. If found, I will work on fixing them.

Lastly, for this week, I will reflect on the work and log them on my blog. I will go over what I did this week and reflect on any changes made. If so, I will cover why they happened and what they affected. 

Week 9: 29th - 5th of May:

Week nine will be my last week of production and I will focus on making sure there are no missing features and mechanics. I will go over each mechanic I made and check that they all work. If not I will fix these issues and then select on them.

I will make sure the game is polished and not missing anything. I will check the sounds and visuals and make sure they all work in the multiplayer space. If not again, I will focus on fixing these issues and then log them. I will check the balance of this project by playing the game with my team.

I will note all this work on my blog and make sure it is presented well and easy to find. Furthermore, I will reflect on all the work from this week and begin working on the final evaluation. I will make quick notes so that when I am writing my final reflection, it goes smoothly.

Week 10: 6th - 12th of May:

Week ten will be the start of my evaluation. I will start by looking at my past reflection, looking at what I added and how I could improve. I then will look over my project and begin reflecting on it. Furthermore, I will use my past reflection and reflection research to follow as a guide,

I will begin writing this up using a few tools to ensure that the written work is up to par. I will start at the beginning, looking critically at the work I made. Then I plan to upload the game this week to itch.io. I will add the game to my blog and reflect on the final product.

I will aim to write up half of the final reflection or a bit less, so I can write the rest in week eleven.

Week 11: 13th - 19th of May:

For the last week, I will finish writing my reflection. I will write up the evaluation of each week, continuing from the last week's progress. Once finished, I will reflect on the evaluation, talking over what I covered. I will see if I could have done it better in hindsight.

For this last week, I will create a Google survey asking people for feedback on the final product, mainly focusing on my additions. I will then cover their feedback going over if I feel it is valid.

Lastly, I will make sure there are no issues with my blog. I will check if everything is on there and get someone to look over it to find issues. If found, then I will fix them up before I send them off in the assignments.
