Sharing Stats

You can share your stats with other JackStats users.The app has two roles:

Access has to be requested from the other JackStats user and can be withdrawn or declined.

The roles are distinct if you want to contribute and view you need to request both. 


If you are a coach you could have a number of contributors recording stats for individual players in your team and sending them to you. There's no hierarchy, sharing can work in any direction - you can self organise to suit your needs.

To allow other JackStats users to send you stats they need to request to become a contributor and you need to accept their request.  

As a contributor when you complete the recording of a game you can share your data by selecting a JackStats users and linking it to a match and a player in their dataset.  If you can't find the match or the player you will not be able to share, if you choose the incorrect match or player then the receiving user may reject it.

As the receiving user you will be notified if a stat is shared with you. You can import and edit these on the Record page. You can rate the accuracy of the stat and the speed it was provided to you and if the sending user has a account you can reward them financially for their services.

Note - There is no central database here. If you set Johnny Jones up as a player in your dataset the user you are sending to may have the same player as J Jones.   

Once you have shared the data the receiving user has their own copy which they can choose to accept or not. They will still have it if you delete the original recording.

To import a stat sent to you by a contributor click on the the + in a circle symbol at the top of the record page.


As a user you can request to view another JackStats users data. The other user will need to accept your request and can remove your access at any time.

Once accepted you can view their stats in two ways: