How you can use this app

As a player I want to have my stats recorded and shared with me and my coach so the stats can help my development. My friend/family can record my stats during a game and I can share them with my coach 

As a team coach I want to access stats for all my players so I can help them and the team improve. The team doesn’t have a match statistician but if each player can arrange for their friend/relative to record their stats at a match they can send them to me

As a freelance coach my players are in different teams so if they each arrange to record their own stats and send them to me for us to work on.

As a friend/family I want to record stats for a player as it’s a fun thing to do and shows that I’m interested and not just sat on the side distracted on my phone

As a fan/friend/family of a player I want to be able to see how their game went and give them a thumbs up!

As a stats nurd I want to record the stats for my favourite players or even the whole team. The app will allow you to record for 10 players per side in a match but it will be pretty intense.