Italian Workshop on 

Shell and Spatial Structures

Please fill this registration form in order to participate to the IWSS 2023. After registering to the IWSS 2023 you will receive an email from with payment instructions, according to the preferences selected while filling your registration form. At least one author of each accepted abstract must be registered. Each registration fee covers the expenses for one presentation only. 

Early bird registration

within 15th May 2023

Full registration  -  400 

Student registration  -  250 

Online registration - 250

Listener (not author or coauthor)  -  250 

Late registration

after 15th May 2023

Full registration  -  600 

Student registration  -  350 

Online registration - 350

Listener (not author or coauthor)  -  350

Students and listeners can purchase the social dinner admittance for 80 

Registration fee includes

most valuable contributors will be invited by the Scientific Committee to submit an extended and original version of their short paper for publication on a dedicated  special issue of either Meccanica (Springer) or Structures (Science Direct)

Students and listeners can participate to the social dinner at the cost of 80 

Online registration fee includes