Italian Workshop on 

Shell and Spatial Structures

La partecipazione all'IWSS è valida per la Formazione Continua degli Ingegneri secondo il Regolamento. Per gli eventi in FAD i CFP sono validi solo per gli iscritti all’Ordine di Torino.

L'IWSS può essere seguito in presenza (a numero chiuso) oppure online dagli iscritti all'Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Torino, con la possibilità del riconoscimento di CFP. Per facilitare la fruizione il convegno è suddiviso in 5 corsi offerti in lingua inglese da 3 CFP che possono essere seguite con un contributo di 15 euro ciascuno. È inoltre possibile partecipare a tutti i corsi e concludere un percorso formativo pari a 15 CFP con un contributo di 60 euro.

Per iscriversi e partecipare ai corsi contattare l’ing. Raffaele Cucuzza (, tel.+39 334 2556189). Per la partecipazione in presenza e per ogni altra informazione si prega di contattare la segreteria agli stessi riferimenti.

The Sustainability of large Structures (3 CFP)

Salone d'Onore Castello del Valentino - 8:30 – 14:00, 26 June 2023

9:00-10:10 - Plenary Lecture 1: Simon GUEST (Cambridge University) - Understanding Tensegrity with an Energy Function

10:10-10:40 - Plenary Lecture 2: Kai Uwe BLETZINGER (TUM School of Engineering and Design) - Form finding by shape optimization with implicit splines and vertex morphing

10:50 - 11:15 - break

11:20 - 13:30 - Parallel Sessions- Form-Finding and Optimization of Shell and Spatial Structures 

Membrane Equilibrium and Constructive Innovation (3 CFP)

Salone d'Onore Castello del Valentino - 14:30 – 19:30, 26 June 2023

14:30 - 15:00- Keynote Session 1 - Fernando FRATERNALI (Università di Salerno) - Designing seismic isolators through lattice metamaterials

15:00- 16:30 - Parallel Sessions

17:00 - 17:30 - Keynote Session 2 - Giuseppe FALLACARA (Politecnico di Bari) - New frontiers of stereotomic stone architecture

17:30 - 19:30 - Parallel Sessions

Form finding and Space Architecture – Engineering for Extraterrestrial Habitat (3 CFP)

Salone d'Onore Castello del Valentino - 8:30 – 13:30, 27 June 2023

9:00 - 9:40 - Plenary Lecture 1Massimo COMPARINI (Thales Alenia Space) , Valentina SUMINI (Politecnico di Milano) - Space Architecture: A multidisciplinary form-finding 

9:40 - 10:20 - Plenary Lecture 2: Hugo PEIRETTI (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) - Relationship between the past and the present of shells and spatial structures. From the teachings of Eduardo Torroja to more recent achievements

10:20 – 10:50 - Keynote 1 - Massimo CUOMO (Università di Catania) - Variational formulations for the form finding of flexible structures

10:50 - 13:00 - Parallel Sessions - Space Architecture: A multidisciplinary form-finding

The Legacy of the Past: The Art of Pier Luigi Nervi (3 CFP - in person only)

Padiglione C Torino Esposizioni - 14:30 – 16:00, and Palazzo del Lavoro - 16:00 - 19:00,  27 June 2023

14:30 – 16:00 - Erica  LENTICCHIA (Politecnico di Torino) - Lecture on Pier Luigi Nervi places. Padiglione C Torino Esposizioni

The Turin Exhibition Center was conceived immediately after the Second World War to host the annual Automobile Show, and was supported and promoted the Fiat motor company, located in Turin. The two main buildings of the complex, Halls B and C, represent a remarkable example of innovative use of the new advanced techniques in reinforced concrete construction, which combined the new prefabrication procedures and the re-invention of ferrocement by Nervi. The ferrocement, whose use is here combined with extensive use of prefabrication, is adopted for its lightness, resistance and malleability to make structural elements resistant in shape, with extraordinary results from an aesthetic point of view. 

16:00 – 19:30 -  Cristina CHIORINO (PLN Project Foundation) - Lecture on Pier Luigi Nervi places. Palazzo del Lavoro 

The Palace of Labour designed and built by Nervi and his son Antonio for the Turin exhibition of 1961 was the result of a competition held in 1959. The building—containing 7897 square meters of exhibition space—had to be capable of conversion to a technical school at the end of the exhibition. It was erected in less than eighteen months. Like Mies van der Rohe’s buildings, there is a subtle fusion of structure and space in Nervi’s buildings. But whereas Mies searched for free internal space, Nervi’s aesthetic is dependent on an energetic exhibition of the structural parts of a building. The Palace of Labour was no exception… the simple 48.77 square meters shape was divided into sixteen structurally separate steel roofed compartments each supported on 19.8-meters-high concrete stems. The external walls, entirely clad in glass, wrapped round the perimeter of the building and incorporated large 70-foot-high vertical mullions.

Textile-Hybrid Structures – Static and Dynamic Stability of Structures (3 CFP)

Salone d'Onore Castello del Valentino - 8:30 – 13:30, 28 June 2023

8:30 - 9:10 - Plenary Lecture 1 - Carlos LAZARO (Universitat Politècnica de València) Two lightweight structures with steel-fibre reinforced concrete

9:10 - 9:40 - Plenary Lecture 2 - Charis GANTES (National Technical University of Athens) Structural Challenges Encountered in the Design of Tubular Steel Wind Turbine Towers

9:50 - 11:20 - Parallel Sessions - Textile-hybrid structures

11:20 - 11:40 - break

11:40 - 13:30 - Parallel Sessions