Italian Workshop on 

Shell and Spatial Structures

A1.1 - 25th June, 2020 - First Afternoon Session

Chair: S. Gabriele

A different perspective on shells

Sigrid Adriaenssens 

Princeton University, USA

3D Graphic Statics: Polyhedron-Based and Vector-Based Approaches

P. D’Acunto, M. Konstantatou

Fast shape finding procedures combining the natural force density method and parametric programming 

M. S. V. Souza, R. M. O. Pauletti

A tool for form finding using a constrained forced density method 

M. Bruggi

Patterns for gridshells without geometrical torsion at nodes 

X. Tellier, R. Boutillier, C. Douthe

Exploring the use of R-Funicularity in shells’ shape optimization

G. R. Argento, S. Gabriele, F. Marmo, V. Varano

Learning from nature: the echinoid strategy to design a lightweight and resistant shell structure

F. Marmo, V. Perricone, G. Pontillo, C. Langella, L. Rosati