Italian Workshop on 

Shell and Spatial Structures

IWSS 2023

The IWSS 2023 has been held in Turin on 26th - 28th June 2023.  

The technical program of IWSS 2023 includes three days of keynote lectures and talks regarding experimental and theoretical studies, analysis methods and approaches for the design, computational form finding, structural optimization, manufacturing, testing and maintenance techniques and historical reviews of all types of shell and spatial structures. These may include, but are not limited to, tension and membrane structures, framed and lattice structures, gridshells and active-bending structures, shell roofs, tensegrity structures, pneumatic and inflatable structures, active and deployable structures, concrete, metal, masonry, timber and bio-based, spatial structures.

AddVault: il modello di volta forata esposto al Marmomac

E’ stato presentato il modello AddVault realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica del Politecnico di Torino in collaborazione con il IWSS-Lab ed esposto al Marmomac 2021  (, la principale fiera mondiale dedicata ai litotipi e alle macchine per estrazione e trasformazione del marmo che si è svolta a Verona dal 29 settembre al 2 ottobre. 
AddVault è un modello di volta forata in ricerca di forma realizzato tramite processi di digital fabrication e additive manufacturing: le fasi di ricerca, progettazione e realizzazione sono state  presentate dai professori Giuseppe Carlo Marano e Amedeo Manuello Bertetto  in un contributo esposto nell’ambito di Marmomac meets Academies dedicato ai rapporti con il mondo scientifico ed accademico. 
Tra i coordinatori del IWSS-Lab vi sono gli organizzatori dello scorso IWSS2020 i Proff. Francesco Marmo (Napoli Federico II), Stefano Gabriele (Roma Tre) e Andrea Micheletti (Roma Tor Vergata)

Design and optimization of shell and spatial structures

Under loads, beyond light - Structural Shaping and Optimization.

Online PhD course at Politecnico di Torino - May 15th - June 25th, 2021


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Shell and spatial structures: Light-weight structures: origins and developments. Iconic and emblematic cases in the European and American schools. Form finding approaches: dynamic relaxation method (DRM), particle spring model (PSM), thrust network analysis (TNA), multibody rope approach (MRA), R-funicularity. Theory and applications. Tensile and tension-compression lightweight structures: Tent structures, tensegrity and origami. Theory and fundamental out lines; Local and Non-local st ability analysis. Snap-through instability and collapse of shell structures, instability for tensegrities. Structural optimization of shell and spatial structures: traditional and innovative approaches. Monitoring of shell and spatial structures: main technologies and applications.

Space Architecture

Economic impacts, future developments and industrial perspectives of innovative construction techniques for the creation of habitats for the Moon and Mars.

23 April 2021 | 04.00pm

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The expansion of the human sphere of influence in the solar system is closely linked to the development of the ability to use local resources. The Moon and Mars, main candidates for hosting the first human outposts in the heliosphere, offer a large number of raw materials useful for this purpose, but to effectively exploit the ISRU (In Situ Resources Utilization) it is necessary to develop advanced processing and processing techniques of the available materials. In this context, Space resources will be a major international topic in the next decade. It is important to foster industry, academia and agencies discussion and involvement, whilst thinking on the social and economic benefits in the near term here on Earth. 
The goal of this seminar is to stimulate discussion on the topic between aerospace agencies, industry and academia, on future developments, perspectives, and impacts of enabling techniques and research for the new generation of space programs.

Minisymposium on Shell and spatial structures at WCCM-APCOM 2022 

We are pleased to invite all IWSS enthusiasts to submit an abstract to the minisymposium MS 0904_Shell and spatial structures at the WCCM-APCOM 2022 to be held in Yokohama, Japan, on July 31-August 5, 2022. 
Abstract submission deadline is November 15th 2021. 
The minisymposium ( welcomes contributions pertaining to the computational methods for the analysis, conceptual design, computational form finding, structural optimization, manufacturing, testing and maintenance techniques of all types of shell and spatial structures (tension and membrane structures, framed and lattice structures, gridshells and active-bending structures, shell roofs, tensegrity structures, pneumatic and inflatable structures, active and deployable structures, concrete, metal, timber and bio-based, spatial structures). 
The congress format will be “hybrid”. However, the holding method may be changed to the “online” according to situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. All speakers must decide to either physically come to the venue or not upon registration by May 10, 2022. All speakers must provide on-demand videos prior to the congress.Instructions for submission are available at the link: 
We hope to see you in Yokohama.