Lyon 2019

Minutes Group Meeting of the International Working Group on Data and Models (IWGDM)

Novatech Lyon, Tuesday 2nd of July 2019

Management team: Manfred Kleidorfer (chair), João P Leitão (secreatary), Ico Broekhuizen (YWP)

Agnethe Pedersen, Manfred Schütze, David McCarthy, Ana Deletić, Dominik Leutnant, Günter Gruber, Morten Borup, Luca Vezzaro

  1. News from working group
    • Workshop at Novatech on Benachmark of flood models – Joint publication planned
  2. News from the JCUD
    • New members John Okedi (South Africa), Jon Hathaway (USA)
    • ICUD 2023 will be in South Africa
  3. Organisation of UDM 2021 (USA). Conference chair: Elizabeth Fassman-Beck; dates are fixed to 11 – 14 July 2021
  4. Planned activities
    • Working group wants to be present at ICUD 2020 (Australia) in special sessions and workshop
    • Ideas for workshops in ICUD 2020.
      • Low-cost sensors! There are a few on-going developments in this topic (also open hardware)
      • Workshop idea Luca Vezzaro: Analysis of influence of the modeler on the results, discussions how this can be done are ongoing
      • Luca Vezzaro: TSS modelling competition should be continued (Lyon data set is there) – option for ICUD 2020 or UDM 2021 5.
  5. Discussion of open source data
    • It is more and more important to share and publish datasets; data can be published e.g. in Journal Earth System Science Data (also other journals exist) and hosted on platforms as ZENODO (
  6. Activities of group members
  7. Next meeting:  During ICUD 2021, Melbourne