Delft 2024

Minutes Group Meeting of the International Working Group on Data and Models (IWGDM)

ICUD Delft, Monday 10th June 2024 (room Commissiezaal 3 and online)

Management team: João P Leitão (chair) and Ico Broekhuizen (YWP)


1. Welcome (introductions and updates)

approx. 17 participants in the room
2 participants on-line

2. Election of the IWGDM secretary (2024-2025)

Roni Penn (the current secretary) decided to change her career and leave Academia and the role of secretary of the IWGDM. Hence, we need a new secretary for the IWGDM!

Ico Broekhuizen ( from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, Luleå (Sweden) was elected secretary of the IWGDM for the period 2024-2025.


3. Update on 2025 UDM Conference in Innsbruck []

Manfred Kleidorfer will update us on the next Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM) Conference that will take place in Innsbruck (Austria) in September 2025.

Manfred Kleidorfer updated on the preparation of UDM 2025. The UDM conference website is now online. Additional information will be added to the website in the following weeks/ months. Registration open until 15th January 2025. There is room for workshops (information about ideas to be sent to Manfred Kleidorfer until 15th January 2025)! 

4. Ideas for future IWGDM workshops and group activities

Prepare/ organise four ½ day workshops at UDM. The workshop(s) on a defined topic (see list of possible topics below) and should be led by 2-3 persons and have a clear outcome! Have 4 topics/ ideas by the end of the year.

- Collection of ideas and topics for future workshops/ webinars (workshops at UDM(?)):

- Discussion on how to keep regular contact with the members of IWGDM

o   [Ben Hodges] Online meeting with 6-8 short (3-5 min) presentations to discuss ideas and updates.

o   [Francois Clemens] Junior Scientist Workshop(s) with 20-25 participants (e.g., about flood modelling as discussed with Dirk Muschalla)

o   [Francois Clemens and Manfred Kleidorfer] Identify/ suggest a topic that everyone can contribute to write a journal article.

o   [] develop a research questions to exchange experiences and share the outcome

o   Identify a good (polemic?) scientific article to be read in advance and to be discussed in a 45 mins webinar.

5. Preparation of the elections (to take place during UDM 2025 in Innsbruck)

- Chair

- Secretary

6. AOB

- [Gabriele Freni] establish link(s) with the Joint Committee of Hydroinformatics (

- [Ben Hodges] Need of new format for EPA SWMM input. [Agnethe Pedersen] SWAN group is aware of this!

- “… it is difficult to get involved in the group activities…”. (i) we’ll try to update the IWGDM website more regularly; (ii) create a LinkedIn group, and (iii) foster the discussion of ideas/ topics through the organisation of sub-groups that will prepare the workshop(s) at UDM.

- [Alma Schellart] Open data and public use/ interaction. Provide and discuss good and bad examples.

- IWA Connect+: please register!