Lyon 2013

Meeting agenda

  • General Introductions
    • DTU (Peter/Luca) – reported on their work on stormwater/WW informatics/RTC. Now and forecasting based on radar information.
    • Muenster (Malte) – reported on their work on uncertainty and multi-criteria optimisation techniques is continuing.
    • Muenster (Dominik) – reported on their work on equipping three measurement sites (turb, EC, pH, redox etc.). Their goal is to understand accumulation and wash-off processes for both sep and combined systems.
    • Lulea TU (Matthias) – reported on their work on SWQ data collection.
    • Uni of Shef (Christian) – reported on their work on green infrastructure and conducting long term simulation of these systems.
    • Veolia Water (Nicolas) – reported on their work on climate change impacts on sewer systems and uncertainties in modelling
    • Innsbruck (Gunther) – reported on his work on how to handle uncertainties in reverse systems with JLBK (INSA).
    • Innsbruck (Wolfgang) – reported on their work on DanCE for Water, uncertainties, software development (parallelisation of SWMM which is released this year) and smooth particle dynamics.
    • INSA (JLBK) – reported on their work on evohe program which is to be released soon (used for data analysis – nice way to analyse your data before using it to model. Reported on the OTHU program – 10 yrs of data, for a range of sites and parameters. Ongoing work on better acquisition methods, online data checking, new and cheap sensors. He also reported on their current modelling work: (1) rainfall measurement errors and how they prop through models, (2) we need new models - how to develop them?
    • University of Strasburg (Sandra) – reported on their work on 1D hydraulic models and the links they are making between u(measured data) and model performance. They would like to use the model to inform how we can collect more data.
    • University of Tokyo (Hiroaki and Fumiyuki) – they reported on their work on: micropolltant issues in water systems, integrated 3D hydrodynamic modelling, microbial prediction and the use of the X-band radar system in modelling.
  • Reporting on IntaUrba III
    • 45 people attended to discuss issues around modelling the IUWC. There were discussions combing social with bio-physical sciences. There is an intention to publish a special issue stemming from the workshop. There will likely be another workshop in two years time (Obergurgl)
  • Housekeeping & website
    • Membership/group email list – it was agreed that we would have a group email list which is accessible to all members. The email list can be obtained from the email which contained this attachment, or from the website (see below).
    • Website – it was decided that Monash will again host the website – Monash is in the process of making this website. The website will contain the above membership list and a list of joint publications which the group has produced (only if two or more groups from the WG are involved). The website shall also contain links to each group’s websites. Other items include a page for job postings.
  • Workshops:
    • o Why don’t our models work?
      • Outcome – three/four ideas of how the group can work together:
        • Comparative analysis - paper about why our models don’t work (compare models, data, etc.) to determine which sources of uncertainty are the greatest
        • Bayesian Model Averaging
        • Maybe our simple models can work better - spatial variability
  • Next workshop?
    • uP? Unsure about this. We need to find a leader of this topic!
    • Why our model’s don’t work? – It was agreed that we will hold another follow-up @ ICUD Malaysia
  • Other items
    • Gold Coast Paper SPN6 – update V12. David to email author list regarding this.