
Book reviews

International Political Studies Association Research Committee 14 "Politics and Ethnicity" and Nationalism & Ethnic Politics (NEP) journal published by Taylor and Francis are inviting expressions of interest for possible book reviewers. NEP, as one of the principal academic journals on the varied political aspects of nationalism and ethnicity and RC14, the global network of researchers on ethnicity in politics, would like to establish a more constructive cooperation framework to facilitate a regular and up-to date-review of the scholarly literature published on the role of ethnicity in political process, the sources of both contemporary and historical identity-based conflicts and avenues for their management.


While Nationalism & Ethnic Politics (NEP) publishes case studies as well as comparative and theoretical analyses, it also has a long-standing tradition of publishing book reviews. We have welcomed reviews of books coming from varying perspectives and different approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, and will continue to do so in the future. However, over the years Nationalism & Ethnic Politics has accumulated a collection of books that due to the limited page numbers will not be reviewed up until two years after volumes' publication. To facilitate the reach of book-length scholarship to our networks, we have decided to introduce regular book reviews to be disseminated via our mailing list ( and keep a copy on this website. This will also allow us to engage with the scholarship on the running basis and introduce the volumes from our discipline to the readership in much shorter period of time.

We are continually seeking to make sure that the wide scope of our members' interests is represented. We welcome expressions of interest from scholars – early career and established - for reviews of books that examine processes and theories of ethnic identity formation, mobilization, conflict and accommodation in the context of political development and what is commonly referred to as nation building.

We normally expect our book reviewers to hold a minimum of a research/Masters degree and to have had experience of researching or teaching in our area studies field of ethnicity, nationalism, political or social science. If you have this experience and would like to volunteer to review a book, or if you would like to suggest a book for review, please contact RC14 in the first instance

Check the list of books currently available for review, here. Reviews (of 3000-4000 words) covering three to four books from this list that broach a similar theme will be considered for publication in NEP. If you would like to write a review (of max 1000 words) of a single book, we are happy to send the volume to you; these single book reviews will be posted on the section of this website of the RC14 and distributed through our subscriber list. Thank you.

Please submit an expression of interest by filling this form, thank you.