How do I register for the conference?

We kindly ask you to register to attend the conference at your earliest conveniencevia this link https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/disruption-crisis-opportunity-whither-democratic-governance-tickets-131603747351 .

What is the registration fee?

No, there is no fee but we will appreciate a donation to the organising RCs, please send your payment to paypal account associated with rc14.ipsa@gmail.com

When is the programme available?

The draft programme will be available here

How do I submit my paper?

You should email your paper to the following address IPSA_Bo.7tvpvmdqgl330b50@u.box.com This is a blind-box and your paper will be automatically uploaded, you will receive an upload confirmation automatically. Please note, that upload only works for file attachments. Content in the body of an email will not be uploaded to Box. The cumulative size of the message body and attachments (including signature) cannot exceed 50MB.

How are the panels organized?

Paper-givers will have 12-15 minutes to give an overview of their paper, highlighting their findings, methods, and purpose and significance of the study. Discussants will have 10-12 minutes to comment on the contributions of papers and to identify connecting themes. Chairs will open and close the session, keep participants to time, and facilitate discussion with the audience. Papers are due by December 10 and will be circulated to panel members at that time. Q&A session is largely audience driven; the chairs are to ensure all questions are asked before the panelists get the chance to respond: this would allow further linking the themes and questions for the benefit of all panel participants.

Will there be powerpoint available?

Yes, each virtual room can be used for sharing presentations form your computer. Please send a copy of your presentation to the IPSA_Bo.7tvpvmdqgl330b50@u.box.com for a backup.

Can I live-tweet the panels?

Most definitely! Please use the following hashtag #ipsadisrupt

Is there a conference get together?

Yes, the conference will have a dedicated coffee room, that will double up as a meeting place after the keynote.

I volunteered to be a chair or discussant. Which panel am I on?

Please consult the programme here, which you can search for your name; We are still looking for chairs/discussants to some of our panels, do let us know if you would like to volunteer for any of the outstanding slots.