How do I register for the conference?

We kindly ask you to register for the conference at your earliest convenience. This will allow us to finalise the programme and local arrangements. Early bird registration is now open until 1 May via this link https://form.jotformeu.com/83246227544357 . You will be able to register at an additional fee up until 1st June 2019.

After filling the form, you will be redirected to the external paypal page to pay the fees. Should you prefer to pay by bank transfer, you will need to complete this form and then contact the organisers to obtain the details of the bank where you should then wire the payment - our default currency is Euro, but if you would like to send the payment in another currency, our virtual account can also be set to save you (and us) transaction fees. Let us know which currency you prefer when contacting us.

Your registration will only be complete - and you will receive confirmation of registration - once we receive that payment.

Under the link above you will be able to indicate if you have dietary restrictions and any further details. We would also kindly ask you to consider acting as a chair and/or discussant at the conference by letting us know at the time of registration of your availability.

I am not attending all days, can I get a discount on the registration fee?

No, the fee is the same even if you are unable to attend all days. Please notify us if you are unable to attend all days.

When is the programme available?

The draft programme will be available on this site.

How do I submit my paper?

You should email your paper to the following address IPSA_Bo.7tvpvmdqgl330b50@u.box.com This is a blind-box and your paper will be automatically uploaded, you will receive an upload confirmation automatically. Please note, that upload only works for file attachments. Content in the body of an email will not be uploaded to Box. The cumulative size of the message body and attachments (including signature) cannot exceed 50MB.

How are the panels organized?

Paper-givers will have 12-15 minutes to give an overview of their paper, highlighting their findings, methods, and purpose and significance of the study. Discussants will have 10-12 minutes to comment on the contributions of papers and to identify connecting themes. Chairs will open and close the session, keep participants to time, and facilitate discussion with the audience. Papers are due by June 8 and will be circulated to panel members at that time. Q&A session is largely audience driven; the chairs are to ensure all questions are asked before the panelists get the chance to respond: this would allow further linking the themes and questions for the benefit of all panel participants.

Will there be powerpoint available?

Yes, each room should have powerpoint capability. Please bring a copy of your presentation saved on a flash drive.

Is there wifi available?

Yes, wifi is available throughout the venue. [no eduroam, but more on this a week ahead of the conference] You will have a possibility to access wifi with a conference password. We will provide more information on this later

Can I live-tweet the panels?

Most definitely! Please use the following hashtag #ipsa19bih

Is there a conference dinner?

Yes, the conference dinner will be held on Friday, 14 June at 20.00 in PIvnica restaurant, traditional Bosnian cuisine. The cost of the conference dinner is 35 € and should be paid at the time of registration. You will need to pay at the time of registration; only limited number of places will be available for those who commit late.

Is there a group excursion?

Participants will have the option to sign up for a full-day-tour to Herzegovina on Sunday June 16 (approximately 9am – 9pm). The route includes a roundtrip from Sarajevo to Mostar, Blagaj, Međugorje and returning to Sarajevo, and has a stop for lunch. The price to be paid at the registration desk in Sarajevo is 40 Euro; Payment will be due separately at the registration desk on June 12-14.

The itenary is as follows: Departure from in Sarajevo in the morning; Mostar: city tour of Mostar and Old Bridge (UNESCO World Heritage); Blagaj: tour of Dervish monastery and lunch in Blagaj; Međugorje: tour of Međugorje pilgrimage site, visit to Ethno Village Herceg and visit to winery with wine tasting; Return to Sarajevo in the evening

If you are interested in the trip, please enter your name into this list: https://doodle.com/poll/wx7mwhz6rc3yh26c - we have already closed the registration for the trip, however, we will have a waiting list ready at the registration.

I volunteered to be a chair or discussant. Which panel am I on?

Please consult the programme here, which you can search for your name; We are still looking for chairs/discussants to some of our panels, do let us know if you would like to volunteer for any of the outstanding slots.

I have a dietary requirement, do I need to tell you in advance?

Yes please! Please tell us on your registration form. If you have already submitted this and need to add information, please use the contact form to contact us.

When will I know about my travel funding request?

For participants who have requested funding support, we will notify you by the end of February of available funds: We have received far more applications for support than the funding available and are only able to help covering a part of travel expenses to around 20 participants located in the Global South, as well as to PhD students. However, we are happy to support you in your application for funding elsewhere: If you require a confirmation of your paper being accepted for the conference to apply for external funding, please submit your details by March 15 2019 under the following link https://form.jotformeu.com/43245037728355 The organisers have emailed the letters of support in the week of March 18.

Do I need a visa to travel to Bosnia & Herzegovina? If I do, can you provide visa support?

You should check whether you require a visa to travel to Sarajevo at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH: http://www.mvp.gov.ba/konzularne_informacije/vize/Default.aspx Citizens of most countries do not need a visa to travel, please do check the conditions for your passport nationality. If you do need an invitation to apply for the visa, you will need to provide us with details necessary to issue an official invitation. Please submit your details by March 1 2019 under this link https://form.jotformeu.com/43245037728355 The organisers will then produce invitation for you to supply to your local consular representation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the week of March 8. We encourage you to commence the visa application process as early as possible to ensure you are able to travel.

Do you offer a student bursary?

While we do not offer a bursary, we do have lower registration fees for students. Participants seeking further assistance are advised to contact their relevant research committee. If you hold PSA UK membership and are an early career researcher/PhD student, please contact the organisers at rc14.ipsa@gmail.com for further information.

Where am I going? How do I get there?

The address of the venue is: Faculty of Political Science - University of Sarajevo, Skenderija Street 72, Sarajevo. It is located in the Sarajevo city centre. All panels and keynotes will take place at this location.

Transportation from Sarajevo Airport

· Taxis are plenty and parked outside the terminal exit (these are from the company Sarajevo Taxi), but there have been many cases of over-charging. The regular price from airport to city center (one way) is 8-15 EUR (16-30 KM). It is recommended to agree on the price before entering the vehicle or to make sure the driver turns on the meter. Alternatively you can call a taxi from: Crveni Taxi (+387 33 760 600); Kale Taxi (+387 33 570 900); or Paja Taxi (+387 33 412 555) to pick you up. The dispatchers usually speak English.

· There is a bus shuttle from the airport to the city center operated by CENTROTRANS. Tickets cost 5 KM in one direction and 8 KM return. The departure schedule is below:

Airport – Baščaršija (Old Town): 05:30, 06:30, 07:15, 08:45, 11:15, 13:15, 13:50, 15:10, 16:40, 17:30, 20:40, 22:00

Baščaršija (Old Town) – Airport: 05:00, 06:00, 07:15, 08:45, 10:25, 12:10, 14:10, 14:45, 15:50, 17:20, 18:15, 21:20

· Alternatively, you can use a pre-booked shuttle and there are multiple offers online. Please check for pricing and consult with customer reviews of these services beforehand. Some hotels also offer airport transfer shuttles.

Transportation within the city

· Sarajevo is a very walkable city and most hotels, attractions and the venue are located in the city center.

· To get around taxis are widely available and very affordable (around 5 KM for a short ride).

· Public transport consists of tram, trolleybus, bus and minibus lines which you can take to reach all major locations. Services run frequently but do not expect great quality. To get to the venue you can take a tram (lines 1, 2, 3 or 5) to the tram station Drvenija and then cross the river. Alternatively, you can take the trolleybus (lines 101, 103 or 104) to the stop Drvenija, located 100 meters from the venue. Tickets are required for any form of public transportation and they can be purchased at kiosks (for 1.60 KM) or from the driver (for 1.80 KM). You must have the correct ticket (tram, bus, and trolleybus tickets are not interchangeable) and get your ticket “punched” upon entering the vehicle.