
The provisional programme is now live.

We encourage you to check the placement of your paper on the programme before booking your travel.

Please note that our team is still working on sequencing the panels, so times and panel populations are still subject to change. We will be finalising allocation of chairs and discussants over the next weeks, and will update the programme next in the week of May 15; final programme will be available on June 3. If you would like to see the title of your presentation, your affiliation, or such-likes amended, do let us know as soon as possible and no later than May 15.

Some panels are still missing Chairs and Discussants (these are marked red below) – if you would like to chair/act as discussant on any of these, please send us an email to telling us which panel number (eg A3) and which role you would like to assume.

We encourage all participants to assume one of these roles and will be happy to accommodate your preferences where possible.

You will find the latest version of the programme brochure here (updated June 11, 2019 21:15)