LOCAL info

Discover Sarajevo (tourism websites)



Useful Information

The address of the venue is: Faculty of Political Science - University of Sarajevo, Skenderija Street 72, Sarajevo

The currency in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Bosnian convertible mark, BAM. You will often see the short version KM displayed next to prices. The exchange rate is 1,985 KM for 1 EUR, so approximately 1:2 in relation to the Euro. Bear in mind that you cannot use Euros to pay, while credit cards are accepted in most stores and restaurants, but rarely in taxis or by small vendors. You can pick up local cash at ATMs, currency exchanges in the city or at the airport.

Electricity in Bosnia is 230V with a frequency of 50hz and uses the European style plug (same as e.g. in Germany).

Visas are not required for all EU & most OECD citizens and permanent residents. Getting a visa can be time consuming so please let us know at soon as possible if you need a visa for Bosnia and Herzegovina. We can assist you with an invitation letter, but participants are responsible to make their own visa arrangements and cover any associated costs.

Data roaming

For foreign SIM cards, including from EU countries, roaming charges apply and are quite steep (especially for data roaming, so make sure to turn this option off on your phone). Purchasing a prepaid local SIM card with data plan is easy and affordable. They are available at most kiosks with options from several carriers.


Sarajevo is a very relaxed and safe city. Almost all areas are safe to walk around even at night. Just use the usual caution and common sense as elsewhere. The level of crime is low, but you should beware of pickpockets in crowded areas, on public transport, and in areas known to be popular with tourists.

As a country, Bosnia and Herzegovina is largely safe to travel. This goes for both large groups as well as solo travellers. Unexploded landmines remain a real danger, particularly in isolated areas in the mountains and countryside. When hiking outside populated areas go with a guide or stick to paved paths.

Discover Bosnia and Herzegovina

Websites of tour operators if you wish to explore more of Sarajevo and Bosnia:

- https://meetbosnia.com

- http://www.sarajevofunkytours.com

- https://www.sarajevowalkingtours.com