2018-07 Working Meeting
Update: Workshop Materials can be found in the Google Drive here
IOF F2F Working Workshop, US
Where: Double Tree, Buffalo Amherst ($104/nite) more details at this link.
When: July 17 & 19, 2018
Contact: Niel Otte of NCOR (neilotte at gmail dot com)
Registration: Follow this link to register.
Cost: ~$70 registration (covering meeting room & coffee/lunch) Please stay at the hotel so that we get this facility rate.
Draft Agenda
July 17 will be the Governance Board Meeting at SUNY Buffalo
July 18 & 19 will be the Technical Oversight Board Meeting at the Double Tree
Agenda for the GB meeting
a. Approve the IOF membership document (the one Chris is serving as lead editor). Preparation: Chris and Jim meet as required to finalize the membership document. With each update to the document, they will notify the rest of you so that you have an opportunity to comment.
b. Finalize and approve the WG policies and procedures document (the one Michael is serving as lead editor). Preparation: Michael, Barry, Nicola, Serm, and Fernando meet to produce a final draft of the WG policies and procedures document. With each update to the document, they will notify Chris and Jim so that they have an opportunity to comment.
c. Develop a plan for standing up the organization legally and transitioning to funded operations. Preparation: Chris and Jim draft a framework for discussion (discussion points, key decisions that must be taken, etc.)
Agenda for the TOB meeting
First Day
0. Arrival and breakfast (8:00am).
1. Use Case Q&A, Buttom-up WGs discussions, Updates from Domain (Bottom Up) working groups, if any. Maybe identifying some requirements (8:30 - 9:30am)
3. Report from Top-Down working group (9:30 - 10:30am)
Hope to identify technical challenges.
4. Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:00am)
5. Where are we now? Summarizing where we are now based on the earlier part. Starting of the roadmap discussion. (11 - 11:30am)
6. Report from the Governance Board (Jim Wilson) (11:30 - 12:30pm)
12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch, including discussion on Ontologies for industrial data: is there a convincing business case? introduced by Melinda Hodkiewicz (University of Western Australia)
7. Roadmap continued (1:30 - 2:30)
8. Technical Principle (2:30 - 3:30)
Break 3:30-4:00pm
9 Technical principle continued (4:00 - 5:00)
What is the domain dependent ontologies based on the diagram in the charter, should it be within the IOF? If not, how do you govern the usage (maybe this is the licensing issue).
There are questions left in the doc. The focus would be to iron out those questions. Some of them are independent from the challenges.
Second day
Arrival 8:00
Challenges discussion (8:30-12:30):
What are the challenges to discuss?
Use of existing standards. (Megan)
How to design IOF ontology by leveraging existing standards which may not be ontology?
How to design IOF ontology by leveraging existing ontology?
Ontology merging. Will diversity of ontologies in a particular area be allowed? (Barry will give an introduction)
Diversity of ontologies in IOF.
Dealing with diversity outside of IOF.
Ontology Merging: How do we resolve conflicts among ontologies within the IOF? Introduced by Dimitris Kiritsis (Lausanne)
Should reference ontologies contain axioms that support shared understanding of the concept. If so, how should it be done? E.g., Car has transport function\role. If we want to have that kind of axiom in the reference ontology how it should be done, e.g., Car ‘has intended’ function\role (Chris, Evan, Hyunmin). We will likely need a use case to ground this discussion.
Best Practices and and Software Environments for Collaborative Distributed Ontology Development (Chris Will, Stephen Karman)
IRI for the IOF.
Lunch (12:30 - 1:30)
Challenge discussion continued (1:30-2:30pm)
Break (2:30-3pm)
Roadmap (second round) (3 - 5pm)