IndiaNetzone intends to be India's most informative and descriptive portal providing in depth information on arts, entertainment, health, sports, society, travel and various other interesting subjects. 

Indian Arts & Culture

. India has one of the world's largest collections of songs, music, dance, theater, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, paintings and writings that are known, as the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' (ICH) of humanity. This diversity in art and culture has given India a new identity with which people from other countries see India. Mostly, every state in India is famous or known for a particular thing, whether it is a culture related to it or an art form; hence, it is a very long list. In this wonder one can find almost all articals related to Indian art and culture.

Indian Movies & Entertainment

Indian cinema is made up of various regional language film industries of India, including Bollywood, which is the biggest film industry of the country.While moving along with the tide Indian cinema, radio and television reflect contemporary time art forms like dance and music that still delightfully portray the rich cultural heritage Indian classical music is a rich tradition that originated in South Asia and can now be found in all corners of the world. 

Health & Fitness 

Ancient Indians made great advances in medicine, as exemplified in the classic works by Sus'ruta and Charaka among others. The wisdom, morals and learning were passed down as stories  In India it was yoga, Ayurveda and nephropathy in which the Indian sages found the answers for natural therapies. Now a day staying healthy just not only means the "absence of sickness" but it’s an all-comprising expression. The Indian potions are perfect to achieve this end. 

History of India 

 It is a country with a rich heritage and culture. India is a land of diversities – religions, cultures, languages, festivals, and ethnicity. India offers a never-ending list of possibilities to explore and experience something new every day. While the Indian geography is arresting with its pristine beauty, the country’s past provides a sneak-peek to the interesting tale of how India has braved all the storms and strongly emerged as the land of culture and intelligentsia. 

Sports of India 

India has many traditional sports such as kabbadi, kho kho, pehlwani, and gilli-danda. Also, there are sports which were imported from the West such as football, rugby union, cricket, golf, tennis, squash, hockey, Javelin throw etc. The country has a sports history tracing back thousands of years, with sports being a part of tradition, culture, finance and entertainment. People in India closely follow various sports and enthusiastically participate in them. 

Indian Society

India is a hierarchical society. Whether in north India or south India, Hindu or Muslim, urban or village, virtually all things, people, and social groups are ranked according to various essential qualities.

Indian society is a diverse society with a complex social structure marked by ethnic, linguistic, religious, and caste differences with

Strong sense of community and interdependence

India Travel

It is a treat to unravel the captivating beauty of India by travelling in the sub-continent. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimates that India received approximately 10 million international tourists in 2019, which is just over 1 percent of the total number of international tourists worldwide.  It has many historic sites as well like the Taj Mahal, Golden Temple, Red Fort, etc. 


A reference on India will lead one to the amazing storehouse of Indian literature, its colossal temples, the lofty philosophy and definitely the diverse landscape of India. While the Indian geography is arresting with its pristine beauty, the country’s past provides a sneak-peek to the interesting tale of how India has braved all the storms and strongly emerged as the land of culture and intelligentsia.