illinois program in paris

Credits and advisor

Students can earn credits across various units. We offer courses with equivalencies in French, Econ, Political Science, ACES, BADM and possibly more. The minimum enrollment is 12 credit hours.

For the french language courses, students are placed in groups according to their proficiency level from a placement written test before going abroad. There will be an orientation upon arrival in France that will include "Real French for Parisian life" before classes start.

Students will take: 

This table is meant to give students a general idea of standard equivalences.

FR 103 / 104 / FR 205 / FR 207 / FR 213 / FR 211

FR 300 - Histoire de l’Art (19ème et 20ème siècles) 

FR 300 - Romantisme, musique, arts et littérature  

FR 300 - Histoire de Paris (18ème et 21ème siècles)

FR 300 - Les Français et la Nat

Important notes: 

1.     The equivalencies are not automatic and have to be validated by Dr. Daniel Maroun, Undergraduate Director and Director of Study Abroad, Department of French and Italian.

2.     Dr. Maroun can decide to advise you or allocate different equivalences based on an individual interview with him or Dr. Michel Bondurand, Resident Director of IPP. 

3.     Other equivalences in French are possible (see with Dr. Maroun).

4.     The standard procedure for receiving equivalences in departments outside of FRIT is the following: 

             a.     Prepare a motivated request with Dr. Bondurand which is then sent to Dr. Maroun.

             b.      Dr. Maroun will contact the departmental advisor on your behalf.

             c.     You will receive a notification with the decision from your advisor and/or Dr. Maroun.

Grade Conversion 

Important note: this is not a contractual chart. The equivalences may be subjected to change in the future. No automatic equivalence guaranteed to any student. 

For Institute Language and Culture French + IPP classes

Out of 20 points

Credit Hours Conversion.

ECT is a European equivalent to our credit hours. ECTs are typically double what the Illinois credit hour would be, so 6 ECTs in Paris is 3 credit hours at Illinois.