The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) was established in Georgia, USA in 1895 for the advancement of HVAC&R system design and construction. They fund educational and research programs and publish technical standards such as ASHRAE Standard 55 which are followed across the globe in building services engineering, IAQ, efficiency and sustainable development. Today they have over 57000 members across 132 countries.

ASHRAE IEM Student Branch Chartering:

The process of getting approval, finalizing and establishing the Branch in our EE, EEE and ME departments began in 2020, and with the combined efforts of our Student Branch Advisor Mr. Gunjan Kumar and the 11 founding petitioners, the Branch was chartered in November 2021. The Branch will be formally established in the institute in December 2021. Our Branch is sponsored and supported by ASHRAE East India Chapter, which is presided by Mr. Dipak Barma.

Events Organized:

On 24th September 2021, we organized our first internal event, “HVAC – COOL Innovative Presentation Competition” in partnership with ASHRAE East India Chapter, under the banner of TAAPMAAN 2021. Participants were required to research, develop and present innovative ideas in HVAC&R domain. The judges were Mr. Dipak Barma (ASHRAE East India Chapter President), Mr. Subhashish Dasgupta (ELM Enterprises Associate Director) and our beloved Alumnus Mr. Souram Guha (Site & Sales Engineer at BELL Cooling Towers). The event had an overwhelming response with 11 teams presenting their ideas and getting them scrutinized by some of the most technically rich industry professionals.

ASHRAE Event Participation:

We have already applied for Student Activities Travel Grant of 1000 USD, sponsored by ASHRAE Student Activities Committee and ASHRAE Life Members Club. If approved, it would be used to fund our journey to ASHRAE 2022 Winter Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 2 teams from our Branch also participating in ASHRAE Region At Large (RAL) Paper Presentation Competition for a top prize of 750 USD.


Establishing the ASHRAE IEM Student Branch opens up several international opportunities including Building EQ Competition, Student HVAC Design Competition, International HVAC Quiz and several travel and project grants, including aforementioned RAL Presentation and Travel Grant. Further, this gives the Branch Members unprecedented international connections and exposure, and a chance to prove their abilities on a global stage.

Key Members:

ASHRAE IEM Student Branch already has 12 members, with 11 of them having Petitioner status. Here are the key CWC members:

Student Branch Advisor: Mr. Gunjan Kumar

President: Mr. Ratnesh Barnawal – 4th Year EE

Vice President: Mr. Rounik Roy – 4th Year EE

Secretary: Mr. Kausar De – 2nd Year ME