About the Department

Mechanical Engineering education is a very strategic and specialized segment where the engineers are being trained to meet the innovative demands of futuristic technologies. In the recent past, Department of Mechanical Engineering at IEM has established itself as one of the premier brands in technical education in region and has enhanced its reputation by introducing B.Tech. Programs.

Department of Mechanical Engineering at IEM has flourished to a great extent due to their experienced faculties from diversified fields, optimal faculty to student ratio and enthusiastic students. Department of Mechanical Engineering focuses on comprehensive course curriculum with intense practical exposure to students which will enable them to take up challenging roles in professional careers.

Our initiatives are aimed to transform education and build careers of our students with whole hearted acceptance from industries across the nation. We give equal emphasis on fundamental studies, practical exposure and industrial orientation.

Department is also encouraging their faculties for quality improvement programs to learn latest change and trends in their respective fields.

Vision of the Department

To excel in education and research in the field of Mechanical Engineering through Innovation and skills to meet the global challenges.


Mission of the Department

Message from the Principal

Education coerce us to delve deep into the ocean of information, raw and unprocessed, to glean it to a heap of knowledge, still susceptible to subjective interpretation of conflicting interests, and to get it rechristened into the realm of wisdom in a given cultural settings. In the silhouette of present global cultural dilemma wherein our running generation are groping, education has to play its role to rearm them with an ability to choose the right in a given time and space.

The uncompromising and unbridled individualism will land us nowhere except throwing us into the arms of corruption, violence and intolerance with “I am always right” attitude. The real education has the potential to let one introspect what the best one can get from and contribute to the society. The realization of the self amidst the reliance and trust on the other self is the key to embrace peace and prosperity in the world we live in.

Let us use this forum to ask ourselves: Work if you want to get,work hard if you want to get great,work very hard if you want to get extraordinary, but work extraordinary and dispassionately that will fetch you nothing ,you can only see the world rejoicing the revisit of spirit,though uncalled for ,still reason to their belief that “world is still beautiful.”

      Prof. Dr. Arun Kr. Bar


Message from the HOD

The Mechanical Engineering department of IEM has been setting exemplary standards since its inception and is well on course to continue the tradition for years to come. It is an honour to represent this department as its H.O.D and be an integral part of its endeavours. The department strongly believes in the ability of its students to leave a global footprint, assisted by a highly qualified pool of professors. The students are encouraged to take up challenging projects involving HVAC, Hybrid Vehicles, CAD/CAM , Advanced Manufacturing Technology  and to publish their work in various international journals. Students are bred to follow a philosophy that does not set boundaries to their ability to learn and the same has been established through their contribution to various researches.

The department puts strong emphasis on imparting practical education by carefully administering proper lab work to complement their theoretical knowledge. For years, this department has strived to project its professors as mentors who can foster growth of the students beyond the boundaries of classrooms and books. The success stories of the students and alumni stretch far beyond academic achievements. The students of this department have consistently performed par excellence in organizing extra curricular events like cultural fests, technical fests, sports activities (Inter college tournaments, marathons etc.) international conferences which have tested their ability to integrate their knowledge with innovation and forward thinking. The department perseveres to equip students with capabilities to transcend the boundaries of academic realms.

Prof. Dr. Dwaipayan De

Associate Professor &

HOD (Mechanical Engineering Department)