Show faith

Having become confident being faithful, we will turn to showing faith. We will conceive. We put the model to work by supposing that in virtue of extragenous reality we will conceive in autogenous reality, whereby a circle is initiated, feel free to call it a learning circle, where we sequentially make autogenous reality, endogenous reality, exogenous reality and extragenous reality current.


The picture we have to grasp this circle by, are the four seasons. In the spring we conceive. In summer it blooms, what is conceived. In the fall it will be harvested. And in the winter it becomes fully understood, what was conceived, and it is processed and made use of.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Son of Man. He is the seed that is sown in the spring, which in the winter turns into bread. And he is the impulse the vine in the spring gets to form fruit, fruit which in the winter turns into wine. The Son is the bread and the wine, and Jesus Christ was Him.

The fact Jesus Christ appeared on earth as He did, marks a distinction in human history. We went from typically being faithful to typically showing faith. Man was given a new mind, whereby we termed the meaning of life.

In the static model, extragenous reality was God as God made himself known as the truth. Here, in this model, having turned to learn and to create, extragenous reality will be justice.

In the Bible, the prominent picture of the dynamics of life in is given by the story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the 12 sons of Jacob. Abraham is the father of the faithful. He is Jewish ancestor. Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob. Jacob took the name Israel and fathered 12 sons which became the tribes of Israel. There are 12 tribes of Israel. The seed was conceived by Abraham, who was justified by virtue of his faith. But we can say the creation of the foundation was made in four stages. By Abraham, the being was baptized. By Isaac, the being was confirmed. By Jacob, the being was consecrated. And by Israel's 12 sons, the being died and became law. Thus, the foundation was created.


Likewise, in the woman's uterus there are four stages when a child is born. The child is conceived by the egg in the womb being fertilized. After three months, the body of the baby has taken shape. After six months the body will be consummated. And after nine months in the womb the baby will be born. It is interesting to philosophise over when the child in the mother's womb is alive.


In the individual life, the creation of a foundation will take place in different contexts and over different periods of time, as conception, formation, birth and justice. In socialist thinking, conception takes place by the means of production, the formation takes place by the mode of production, birth takes place by the awareness which arises and justice takes place by the matter clear.


In life as such, we see that the four family members are formed in sequence. The awakening of the wife is the starting point. It takes place in the spring. The wife is wakened to form the son of hers, which is the meaning of life. The Son is wakened in the summer. And the son awakened means the girl takes form. When love awakens, conscience occurs. The girl justifies the son and thus the wife. And when man takes the shape of the girl, man is born. The girl is the completion. The girl is the benefit. That takes place when the girl wakes up in the fall. The girl wakened means the father is formed. The Father is the justice. By the father, man has reached his destination.

From Adam to Jesus, there were 60 generations. And from Jesus to us there has been 60 generations. Adam was the wife of life. Through him, man was created. Jesus Christ was the Son. And in our days the maid makes herself known.