
In the articles "Be true" and "Show faith", the truth and the life, respectively, is what I have portrayed. Jesus Christ is the truth and the life.

In the the model I have referred to God as extragenous reality, and I have used truth and justice as names on God. For the record, I remind you God is not to grasp. What I have portrayed, by the model, is life as God created it. Christ will always occur simultaneously with every being in life as justifying it or judging it. So also here. Christ is the thumb to the four seasons. The Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit arose in recognition of the dichotomy of heaven and earth, by which the earth was driven by the Holy Spirit. And further, in recognition of the Trinity, that is the seed that is sown in the spring, which blooms in the summer and which comes to its determination in the autumn, the realization of the year arises. Christ will always occur at the rear of every creation, relating himself to it.

The dualism of God and man, father and wife, originated by Adam. The Trinity of the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son arose when man managed to deal with the dualism. It took place by John the Baptist and Christ. And the fourfold of the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Son and the Girl arises now since we are able to relate to the Trinity.

As a development, the model is a circle. Looking at the grain being sown, blooming, being harvested, and becoming seed, it is a perpetual stream we see. But as human beings we like to be finished. We want to be justified. And justified is only the grain harvested which becomes cakes and bread. Christ is the bread of life.