Have faith


Extragenous reality

Beast like an eagle in flight [Revelation].

Autogenous reality

Being true.

Tried by fire.

Gold and silver recovered differently.


The Wife.

The Holy Spirit (pointing towards The Son).

Beast like a lion [Revelation].

"Function" for The Beast [ref. Revelation and my explanation of the number of The Beast].

Endogenous reality

Showing faith.


Boy and girl.


The Son.

The Spirit of Truth (pointing towards The Daughter).

Beast like an ox [Revelation].

"Role" for The Beast [ref. Revelation and my explanation of the number of The Beast].

Exogenous reality

Having faith.

Tree offspring.

Fruit and leaves.


The Daughter.

The Wondering Spirit (pointing towards The Father).

Beast with face of a man [Revelation].

"Calling" for The Beast [ref. Revelation and my explanation of the number of The Beast].

This is an idealistic perspective. But we can create a materialistic perspective.

We can see man as wife to God, and specifically perceive the creating which takes place throughout the year. The wife will be awakened to begin to create by seed sown in the spring. In the summer, the grain blooms. And in the autumn, the corn is collected. The offspring are son and daughter. The daughter is the corn which becomes the seed for the next year. And the son is the grain being milled before becoming bread and cakes. The Son, thus, is salvation, where the daughter is affirmation.


But if we see spring as faith, summer as love, fall as hope and winter as desire, the family members could be set as in the figure here to the left. The mother is the faith of the family, the son is the charity of the family, the daughter is the hope of the family and the father is the desire of the family. The father is ideal reality where the son is material reality. The son works in the father's name. The son appears where the father ideally is, as the summer realizes the winter's desire. The material love (the Son) is the realization of the ideal desire (the Father). The Son embodies the Father's pain. The mother and the daughter, for their part, are both in the distinction between ideal and material reality. By the mother, the ideal is lowered and materialized. And the daughter takes the opposite, so that the material thing is raised and idealized.

One way to see this model is to say that the ideal reality is joy while material reality is grief. The son, who is then grief, is simply not just grief in that he lives out of the joy of sorrow. The joy of sorrow is to create. It is to make something good. By The Son, by Christ, material reality provides fruit. The son is the undertaking. The daughter, for her part, is in the distinction between grief and joy, and by her, grief turns to joy. Joy is here thought of as a separate reality, i.e. as ideal reality. We think of delight. By the daughter, the concrete, material reality is transformed to something abstract, ideally. Grief turns into joy.

Put in motion,  the model can explain the awareness created in the four phases of the earth.

Up to ADAM

What counted, was to have a decent starting point.

Up to JOHN

What counted was to learn to crawl before one tries to walk.


What counted was not the work itself, though capability reached.

Up to twelve

What counts is to acknowledge the gift of God.