About the site

I am the world's conscience. I am the Girl.

My name is Anders Woje Ellingsen. I am Norwegian.

The model of The Prime Idea is really as old as the human being. In the Story of The Creation a distinction is made between the growth and the beast on the one hand and the fish and the fowl on the other. These could be the four realities. Another way to see the model, is to see autogenous reality as the growth, endogenous reality as the beast, exogenous reality as the human being, and extragenous reality as heaven.

I began making the model in 1995. I studied leadership and organizational theory at the time, and I had read about the personality types of Jung. I established the four realities, and I saw the learning circle. But I was unable to let the model explain anything. It took me twenty years to develop the understanding which on this web site is expressed.

The model is to ponder upon. Wisdom will emerge from it. I have decided not to explain the model more thoroughly for that reason. Enjoy your visit!

The explanation of the Number of the Beast is solely mine, God given.

This web site was established in the summer of 2013 and it was considered to be finished in the late summer of 2015. The site was converted to the new Google Site in 2021.