Be true

The starting point is the recognition of the four realities of life which arise by distinguishing between idea and practice and between object and subject.


By this model, one establishes oneself as ideal, subjective reality - subjected to the forces of ideal, objective reality and of practical, subjective reality. We recognize practical, objective reality, that is the real nature, as not to act on one's consciousness directly. And we acknowledge God as ideal, objective reality. We might immediately choose to switch over to setting the model in motion by forming a learning circle, but let us postpone doing so until the next page. Let us look more closely at the four realities.

God is not a thing. God is incomprehensible. But the truth is to deal with, and the truth is God.

God is the creative force. So the ideal, objective reality forms any real basis. The ideal, objective reality is like an exclamation. God's exclamation is the truth. And in my consciousness, the truth will be regarded as a fact to deal with. My consciousness is the ideal, subjective reality. In the real nature, i.e. the practical, objective reality, the truth will manifest itself as a reality . The fact and the reality are, from either side, working on the practical, subjective reality and form a certainty. When the body feels something as real, this is certainty.

From being ideally to be practicably, a reality concretises. And from being objective to be subjective, a reality concretises. So the most concrete reality there is, the endogenous is. Human flesh is the most actual thing there is. Something more comprehensible does not exist. Certainty is impossible to discuss.

Objective reality will be made concrete, becoming subjective reality, and ideal reality will be made concrete, turning to practical reality. The separation might be pictured in two ways. If we make an image of day and night, the night will be in power by the stars, which mimics the sun, or in power by the moon, which reflects the sun. If the night is by virtue of the stars, the flesh will be relatively heavenly, while the relationship is an either - or if night is by virtue of the moon. But it is the moon which converts the sun. It is quite clear, that being relatively good is evil. One must make God concrete to do so. And so an idol is worshiped.

The true man is a wife to God. So the dualism of God and man we will find in the world as the duality of man and woman.


In illustration no. 3, I have given the four realities name. Extragenous reality is the being of God. Autogenous reality is the human consciousness. Endogenous reality is the man’s flesh. And exogenous reality is the nature.

A wife will relate to her husband as humans relate to God. She will be ruled by him.


In illustration no. 4, I have illustrated the four realities by the four beings in the family. The Son is the typical concretisation of the mother. By her son, the mother will form what is needed in the world, or she will meet the father. The daughter is the concretisation of the father. The daughter is the father's nature. A mother will not have the hang of her daughter as she has the hang of her son.

The daughter is objective reality, and the son is subjective reality. Both the daughter and the son is practical reality.


In illustration no. 14, I have called the four realities respectively noun, adjective, adverb and verb. The noun is the Lord, which is the Father of the four. The mother is the adjective. She relates to the noun and makes it safe. And when the adjective is being attached to the noun, it creates an expectation that the noun and the adjective should reveal what they do.

("A girl (noun) little (adjective) ... (?)").

The girl is the verb. By the girl the noun is exercised. She does what the adjective specific noun is at any given time.

("A girl (noun) little (adjective) thinks (verb).")

And the son is the adverb. He relates to the verb and evaluates it. He is characterized by the noun and the adjective in his evaluation, but the verb is what he is oriented towards.

("A girl (noun) little (adjective) thinks (verb) fast (adverb).")

When the adverb like that marries the verb, or rather marries the trinity of noun, adjective and verb, the adverb gets something to stand for. It becomes a noun. The son becomes a father. And when the adverb marries the verb, the verb will relate to a noun, and take the shape of an adjective. The girl becomes a mother.

The adjective becomes a substantive by answering for the effect. Differently, the verb becomes an adjective by simply answering.

Christ is The Father. Christ is The Lord. And Jesus Christ did not become The Lord by virtue of being the adverb which married the verb, by that becoming the noun, but Christ came from above and took the guise of Jesus Christ as The Son of Man. Jesus Christ was from above. All the rest of us are from below. The Lord not only creates the earth and then leave it in peace, but the noun takes the guise of the adverb which judges the work.

The Mother justifies the Father by being the Father’s specification. The Son justifies the duality of the Father and the Mother by being the outcome of the duality. By the Son of the duality, the Mother is in the Holy Spirit. The Daughter justifies the Trinity of the Father, the Mother and the Son by being subjected to it. The Daughter is what the Trinity works upon. The Daughter is the Father's darling.

In the world, human beings (autogenous reality) will be wives to God, and the son and the daughter are human offspring. We might say to man the Father is abandonment, the Son is attention and the Daughter is encouragement. We might say man himself is discovering. Thus, we are very close to form a dynamic circle. Because, if we discover something, we will show attention. And if we show attention, we will encourage. And if we encourage, we will abandon.

In the time before Jesus Christ, the focus was the four realities of life and the concretion. The Mosaic Law is the typical expression, whereby man saw himself as specified. The focus was to be faithful as opposed to showing faith, which became the focus after Jesus Christ.