my cure for teen apathy

so very sorry.  

adopting my proposal for a rich afterschool program for tweens and teens would inoculate against this sort of affectless behavior.  Surely there are Greta Thunbergs in Eugene who will spur their peers to environmental action.  Who will fund a program to reward kids for hanging out at Boys/Girls Club?

homework help and a snack

rap groups about responsibilities of citizenship, body image, neurodivergence, gender identity and sexuality

training for volunteering at Greenhill, the Relief Nursery, PeaceHealth, EPL and Food for Lane County.  

prophylactic discussions about about budgeting, consumer credit, financing ;postsecondary education without loans.

I doubt many parents broach these subjects.  Compassion can only be learned through experience.  We model the behavior we want to see and help our teens develop the vocabulary to understand their complex feelings.  Respect engenders respect.


your friendly neighborhood Hippie