earning a few bucks at home

I earn $25 in Amazon gift cards from CrowdTap most months for two 15-minute sessions, mostly saying which brands I'm familar with.  They do ask intriguing questions about policy.

Research Match links me to studies at accredited universities and medical centers.   I enjoy safely helping young researchers test their theories.  One study  of women's sexual health involved two fingersticks and paid $100 plus a useful sex toy.   I've spat in test tubes, snipped off a lock of hair and collected my poo for a $20 gift card.

They want opinions on local issues., pay a couple $5 Amazon cards each year.


Opinions Ltd

Craigslist lists focus groups and studies under community/volunteers.  The University of Oregon posts their studies there.

YouGov questions about local and national policy.

Harris Polls is the grandaddy of consumer polls.



Savvy Cooperative has paid me $300 twice, once for a 30-hour zoom about incontinence and more recently for a week long forum about stroke survival.