The Turf Club Bar & Grill

Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa

Check out it's webpage here!

Overall Rating: 4/4 Mickeys

With astounding chef communication, delicious meals, and great views, this restaurant with classic American theme and cuisine makes for a fantastic experience. If you ever go to the Turf Club, please ask about their allergy ice cream situation and email me what they say, because they make it in-house and I would like to know more.

Entry #1, 8/10/18

Chef Rene

Today was my first time back at The Turf Club. The atmosphere of this restaurant is very different than others because it is much calmer and cooler. With a bar for adults and a pool table outside, it's clear to anyone that The Turf Club and Saratoga Springs in general is very special. The night got even better when I met my chef, Chef Rene. Having emailed the main chef, Chef Josh, in advance, I was expecting Chef Hannah, but Chef Rene was amazing and perfect. First, we ordered appetizers. I usually don't order anything for an appetizer, so I was just watching my family order yummy-looking bread. Chef Rene, however, changed everything when he offered me Deanna's gluten free dinner rolls. Check out the Foods and Mixes page for more information. Deanna's gluten free dinner rolls are delicious, allergy-friendly rolls that are sold on multiple Disney properties. Did I mention that they were delicious? Check The Turf Club page for a picture. That was, without a doubt, the best part of my meal. For dinner, I order salmon, fries, and steak, which you can expect was made appropriately. The salmon was pan-seared and finished in a dedicated pan and oven, the fries were prepared on a separate fryer, and their broccolini was, well, normal. Of course, the salmon was spectacular - crisp and slightly crunchy just like I like it. Dessert wasn't as amazing, however. As of today, The Turf Club kitchen did not have any So Delicious Ice Cream because they stated that they make their own in-house. Being me, I decided to avoid the mess so I wouldn't be risking anything. They did have Enjoy Life cookies, however, so my older brother and I shared a box of soft chocolate Enjoy Life cookies. To put a cherry on top of one of the most fun days of the trip, I told Chef Rene about my blog and he then talked to me about Disney in general, and how they are so great with food allergies and how they're always open to changes and requests. The flexibility demonstrated by Chef and around Disney World show why this place is so tremendous, and why you should visit sometime soon. And keep The Turf Club in the back of your head, will ya?

The Turf Club Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 1

The Turf Club Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 2

The Turf Club Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 3 (Just Pictures 1 & 2 Combined)

The Turf Club Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 4

The Turf Club Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 5

Exclusive behind-the-scenes photo of Deanna's Allergen Free Dinner Roll ingredients. Check out the Foods & Mixes page for more. Boy, were they delicious!

The Deanna's rolls on a plate. Yum...

Reasons why this dinner was good: a) Salmon, b) Salmon, c) Salmon, and d) Salmon.

Dessert: Enjoy Life Cookies. Very delicious, but I am a little upset that they don't have So Delicious. But still... who can say no to cookies?

Three cheers for Chef Rene! Hip hip, hooray!