Chef Mickey's

Contemporary Resort

Check out it's webpage here!

Overall Rating: 4/4 Mickeys

As part of one of the best hotels on Disney Property, this restaurant is forced to meet the high standards of The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and other places. And it sure does! The fun meet-and-greets with Mickey Mouse characters will be the thing that stands out to most people when they go, but personally, the flexibility and kindness of the chefs is what I appreciate the most. This American-styled buffet is fun for literally everyone, but is also often crowded. Make sure you get early reservations!

Entry #1, 8/9/18

Chef Carolina

Today was my first time back of one of my favorite restaurants ever, Chef Mickey's. What's the best part, you ask? The characters? No. The chefs? No. The food? No. The entire experience? That's right. Every part of this meal was amazing, and I even got a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes ingredients of every food. My chef today was Chef Carolina, a very helpful and kind chef that catered to my every need through the breakfast buffet. Because of the buffet-ness of this meal, I ordered a ton of food. First of all, I ordered bacon and strawberries from the back, which was very easy for chef to achieve. More interestingly, however, I ordered Mickey Waffles and a cupcake. Cupcake, you ask? Yep! I asked for a chocolate muffin, and chef responded by saying that they could go over to the Contempo Cafe (which Chef Mickey's pretty much shares a kitchen with) to get a Namaste cake made chocolate cupcake/muffin, just like the one at Whispering Canyon! I was so excited, and my expectations were blown away when my delicious cupcake had enjoy life snickerdoodles on it to make it look like a mickey! Cupcakes for breakfast aren't a very bad idea! It was delicious and soft and warm, just like the Whispering Canyon ones, and I had a great experience eating them. Additionally, I ordered Mickey Waffles, but these mickey waffles were interesting. Recently, Chef Mickey's has gotten complaints about their waffles being to thick and gummy. Disney, since it's Disney, came up with a solution. All restaurants in the contemporary resort are now using their own original Allergy Mickey Waffle mix to fix the consistency issue while also catering to everyone's food allergies. The complete recipe can be found on the Foods and Mixes page, but essentially, the mix contains white rice flour, tapioca flour, cornstarch, rice milk, vanilla extract, and many other ingredients. They may have changed this mix by the time you read this, so always make sure to ask and not assume. When the meal came, it was delicious. Their waffle mix works - they were not gummy at all. They were even better with the 100% pure maple syrup. Not only was my meal was fantastic, my older brother had an interesting one as well. He only has a dairy allergy, and that means that he is able to eat a lot of foods that I can't. He ordered the same waffles and cupcake/muffin as me as well as eggs, but he also was able to order muffins and donuts. You read that right! My brother ate Kinnikinnick cinnamon sugar and vanilla glazed donuts as well as Udi's gluten-free chocolate and blueberry muffins. More info on these brands can be found at the Foods and Mixes page, and check this post in the Chef Mickey's Reviews by Restaurant page to see a picture. All in all, this entire experience was very interesting, from finding out about an original mix to getting a behind-the-scenes peak of the ingredients to investigating the brands that people with dairy allergies can eat. This was quite an adventure, and it sure was a yummy one!

Chef Mickey's Allergy-Friendly Breakfast Buffet Menu

Exclusive photo of Contemporary Resort Top 8 Allergy Friendly Waffle Ingredients made In-House. Yum!

Chef Carolina and I - A perfect chef to match a perfect meal.

A ginormous way to start the day - Mickey waffles, bacon, strawberries, syrup, and a muffin (definitely not a cupcake). What can I say? This is a buffet!

My breakfast and I

Side view of the special Mickey Waffle. They listened to the complaints - this was not thick or gummy at all. Good consistency and great flavor. If it's safe for you, don't forget to order it!

My brother's meal (only dairy allergy): Scrambled eggs, Kinnikinnick donuts, Udi's gluten free muffins, and the same waffles and muffin and syrup that I had.

Number One

The mouse who started it all.