
Grand Floridian Resort and Spa

Check out it's webpage here!

Overall Rating: 3/4 Mickeys

Citrico's is the fanciest restaurant that I have gone to so far in Disney World. It's wide variety of Mediterranean-inspired choices for everyone in the family makes it a great place to dine at, especially for those with allergies. Their trained and experienced chefs make sure everyone has a good time and enjoys themselves. Luckily, you don't need to wear a dress or suit and tie, unless you're going next door...

Entry #1, 8/4/18

Chef Chika

Citrico's is, without a doubt, the fanciest restaurant I've ever gone to. The italian decor and the fancy and expensive food make it that way. It's neighboring restaurant is Victoria and Albert's, a super-expensive fine-dining restaurant with many courses throughout the evening as you sample different tasty foods. Look, I know I'm just a kid, and someday I'll probably wish I could go to Victoria and Albert's for an evening, but the fact that they even have an $8,315 dollar wine means I won't be giving any reviews to that place for a while. This goes to show that for me, classy has a limit, and it was somewhat tested today. My chef today was Chef Chika, and she was very nice and smart about my allergies. I ordered an appetizer for the first time so far today, but it wasn't that great. The allergy concerns were taken care of, but the green salad I ordered (salade verte) just tasted bad. I don't let the taste of the food affect my ratings of restaurants too much because I know that I am quite a picky eater; hence, I only focus on the care for allergies, and this restaurant was, at this point, excellent. I decided to order a very fancy meal - filet mignon with roasted fingerling potatoes and asparagus. The meal itself was okay - I felt that while it was edible, the filet mignon was overcooked. Also, the potatoes were too thick for my taste buds, but the asparagus was yummy. While I was happy with Chef Chika's care for my allergies, I was somewhat concerned that I wouldn't like dessert - but, boy, was I wrong. The restaurant had safe So Delicious vanilla ice cream, which really excited me. To add on, they had chocolate Hershey's syrup and crunchy chocolate chip enjoy life cookies! I gobbled all this and a couple of strawberries up for dessert, and it was amazing. All in all, the fancy dinner proved to be a little much for me, but I really enjoyed my dessert and I was happy with the treatment that I received. However, just to clarify, I would not assume that they always have desserts in stock. If you're ever planning to make a reservation and none of their desserts look safe, always call about a week in advance to see if you can make them get your favorite treats ready for you. Thanks, Chef!

Chef Chika and I. Quite an astonishing view, eh?

Citrico's Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 1

Citrico's Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 2

My salade verte (gosh, I'm learning French!)

My dinner: Steak, Potatoes, and Asparagus

My dinner and I

Citrico's Allergy-Friendly Dessert Menu

My delicious dessert: So Delicious Vanilla Ice Cream, Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, Enjoy Life Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Strawberries

Proof that Disney World is the most magical place on Earth