
Animal Kingdom Lodge - Kidani Village

Check out it's webpage here!

Overall Rating: 4/4 Mickeys

Sanaa is an Indian-style cuisine restaurant which many different foods and flavors. While on the expensive side of restaurants in Disney, this place is absolutely amazing. I definitely recommend a trip or two or three there because it will not disappoint you.

Entry #1, 8/1/18

Chef Randy

Sanaa is an amazing restaurant, whether you have allergies or not. My first dinner there was spectacular. When we asked for the chef, two chefs came out - Chef Randy and Chef Elizabeth. Randy was the one that we talked to and that helped us. It seemed that Elizabeth was learning from Chef Randy and paying close attention. I assumed that she was an intern or a training chef. Randy had done his homework and had already analyzed my chef card. He even had a meal already planned - New York Strip steak! However, I had steak the previous night at Boatwright's and I didn't want it again. As an appetizer, I was able to have a gluten-free bread that is normally used for trying their appetizing and spicy sauces. The ones that were safe for me were the Tomato Date, Garlic Pickle, and Jalapeno Pickle, however I didn't try any of them. For the main course, I had delicious and perfectly cooked lamb chops with smashed potatoes and a mix of vegetables (broccolini, corn, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and carrots). I never had broccolini before, and now it's my favorite vegetable! It was DELICIOUS. For dessert, I had a lot of Enjoy Life chocolate chip crunchy mini cookies. Sadly, they didn't have any regular sized cookies, but the tiny ones tasted good and were fine in my opinion. All in all, the dinner was scrumptious and the dessert, while somewhat disappointing, was still satisfying and tasty. I would definitely recommend this restaurant.

Sanaa Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 1

Sanaa Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 2

Sanaa Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 3

Sanaa Allergy-Friendly Dinner Menu, Picture 4

My Dinner: Lamb Chops, Smashed Potatoes, Veggies, and... oh never mind just let me EAT!

Me and my dinner

I guess I'm the cookie monster tonight.

Me and my chefs - Elizabeth to the left, Randy to the right

Entry #2, 8/6/18

Chef Fallon

Today my family and I returned for what we hoped would be another great meal at Sanaa - and we weren't disappointed. My chef today was Chef Fallon, who is actually the wife of Chef Baker from The Wave! I had such a great time with her husband, so I was super psyched to have Chef Fallon helping me today. In fact, Chef Fallon said that she remembered me! Even though I believe I've never met her face-to-face, she told me that she worked at Boma last summer when I was there! Apparently, I was a big deal. Anyway, I loved Wednesday's dinner at Sanaa, so I decided to order the same thing - medium-cooked lamb chops with smashed potatoes (different than mashed). The potatoes are cooked separately and do not contain any dairy, for anyone who's curious. I also wanted my favorite veggies from the mix that I had a couple days ago, so I ordered some broccolini, carrots, and corn as well. I wanted to know about dessert in advance, so I asked if they had ice cream, and I was excited to hear that they had so delicious vanilla ice cream and chocolate chip Enjoy Life cookies! When dinner came, I was astonished. The lamb was perfectly cooked and delicious, and the sides were both very tasty. Chef Fallon constantly came out of the kitchen to check on me, which is one of the best qualities a chef can have. After the incredible dinner, I had pretty high expectations for dessert, and not only were those expectations met, but boy, were they exceeded. Chef made a beautiful-looking bowl of ice cream that looked like Mickey and Minnie! It also had strawberries and cookies as well! The entire experience was phenomenal. Chef Fallon's super kind, careful, and smart personality made this meal the best of the trip so far, and I hope to return very soon to hang out with her again!

My delicious dinner: Lamb chops, veggies, and potatoes. This could motivate me to exercise once in a while!

Forming the game plan with Chef Fallon

My beautiful dessert from Chef Fallon: Mickey and Minnie-shaped So Delicious Ice Cream with crushed cookies

Chef Fallon and I - I can't wait to return and see one of the greatest chefs of the world again.